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- User Since
- Mar 17 2013, 11:11 PM (624 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Unable to reproduce, nothing but smooth landing and take off on my end.
I'm pretty sure hes talking about how the heli slams into the ground and stops. I remember when people first tried the alpha and hated this aspect of how the heli performed and thus it was tweaked to slid a little like arma 2 did, so you could do fast take offs and landings.
Not sure what he's pointing out with the second, vehicles act mostly the same. The only difference is they got rid of that annoying screeching sound, even when doing a tiny smooth turn that sound would just go out of control.
-My two cents
You need mods to fix this issue unfortunately.
You should go into the editor and compare for yourself. It looks to scale and if not very close imo. Even if it's not, BI will prob use the excuse that it's a new compact model.
Forgot to add that you need to ctrlx2 to lower weapon, then couch slow walk forward to see the bug.
Forgot to add... Use 3rd Person to see bug better