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- User Since
- May 28 2013, 10:15 PM (611 w, 6 d)
Jun 8 2016
May 10 2016
I disagree, I don't think that its very hard to add texture/damage decals to objects upon impact.
They are ALREADY doing it (bullet "marks" on some objects when you shoot them, and tanks/heli missiles cause huge pockmarks in the ground.
There is balancing in EVERY game, even simulators, which Arma 3 is about as close to as it can get. Currently, it is not realistic at all. When you go into prone, your gun doesn't automatically get easier to aim UNLESS YOU USE A GUN REST! Right now, you just go prone and magically long-range shots get really easy. Where's the skill in that? Or the realism?
It is sad to see that people do not understand this.
Esfumato--- your control scheme is similar to the one I use.
Is anyone having trouble binding Right Pedal to 'E' ? When I do it, it makes the heli pitch forward while turning, instead of just turning slightly like the left pedal.