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- Mar 8 2013, 1:28 AM (628 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
I have screen tearing at any FPS using a GTX 670 that occurs even when FPS is below the monitors refresh rate. Strange.
I wear a headset while playing ArmA 3.
My primary issue is that if your moving at "Normal" pace that isn't a turtle walk, your character quickly becomes fatigued... and the issue is the sound of my character literally breathing in my right ear . It's "nails on chalkboard" irritating much of the time. I have to switch to 3rd Person Cam just to deaden the sound of the huffing, puffing, wheezing and choking on spit noises.
Imagine me, standing next to you, while your playing your game and I'm breathing heavily into your right ear the whole time. How long before that becomes unbearable and you punch me in the mouth?
That's what annoys me. I don't want to have to disable the game mechanic itself just to get rid of the sound of it.
Tonight (03/16/2013), on Dev Build 0.51.103078, any time someone threw a grenade near a teammate, the server would crash. It appears to be related to thrown objects near other players. I threw a chemlight at a teammate, the server stopped responding and everyone disconnected.
When you are fully prone .... There is no Step-Lean function. Which means the macro does nothing.
When you are fully prone ... The (standard) Lean keys (default Q/E) trigger the roll animation.
Stance Adjust Up/Down (Cntrl+W/S) raise and lower the current stance and adjust the position of the Step-Lean postures while crouched and fully standing. However, when fully prone, there is no use for the Step-Lean macro since you can't "step and lean" while in a prone posture.
If you unbind your normal Q/E Lean controls (because the player uses TrackIR instead) you lose your ability to roll while prone. Which means you must keep 2 keys bound on your keyboard dedicated solely to the prone roll animation. This is a waste of keyboard space.
Since there is no currently assigned use for the Step-Lean function while fully prone, it only makes sense to combine it with the Roll animation and amalgamate common actions into fewer key binds.
It's more efficient use of the keyboard.
May 9 2016
What additional information is needed?
Noticed that setting Fullscreen (Borderless) Window mode prevents screen tearing, but reduces FPS when the Windows 7 Aero Desktop is enabled. When set to Windows 7 Basic profile Screen Tearing is visible again. ArmA 3 runs 15 FPS average less then when running in window mode.
Shouldn't Screen Tearing be problematic when FPS exceeds the monitors refresh rate?
In Arma 3 is happens at any level of FPS, and makes Nvidia Adpative V-Sync useless unless FPS is always above 60.
I still get screen tearing in window mode, including full screen borderless window mode.
However... If the desktop in Win7 is set for "Aero", screen tearing is minimal or absent, but a stiff cost in performance. FPS drops 10-15 frames from being in a window.
Just posting to confirm that this issue remains unchanged for me.
Still awkward tearing of visuals, most noticeable in built up areas of the map with a lot of objects made up of hard vertical edges (window frames, plaster walls, bridge pillars ect).
Triple Buffering has no effect.
Changing the display from full screen to a borderless window mode helps reduce the problem, but at the expense of FPS (up to a loss of 10 frames per second).
After more testing and experimentation, I have concluded that this is a Image Tearing problem related to V-Sync.
Sadly, it appears that the current build of the Alpha suffers from Image Tearing, regardless of FPS, when V-Sync is not enabled.
Enabling Adaptive V-Sync in the Nvidia control panel will over-ride the ArmA settings. Because V-Sync is only on when FPS is over 60, Image Tearing is only apparent whenever the frame rate is lower then 60. Hence the observable differences in the Lighthouse example.
This is sad and unhappy news as V-Sync is generally considered bad for peformance in gaming. It has pronounced drawbacks. I hope Bohemia can rectify Image Tearing problems when frames are below the monitors refresh rate so we do not have to be shackled to the drawbacks of Vsync having to be on all the time.
This video clip shows the example more clearly using the Kamino Lighthouse.
Note that from one angle, the Lighthouse shows very little if any tearing of the image, but when viewed from the opposite side, very pronounced shearing is visible.
The only connection appears to be framerate. When the FPS is solid at 60FPS, tearing is not noticeable. When the FPS is below 60 and fluctuates up and down, the displayed image becomes prone to tearing.
Motion blur is so artificial in video games, in ArmA of the past it is down right nauseating and obnoxious. It not only is bad at simulating how motion blur is interpreted by an actual human eye.... it eats up system resources to produce the poorly generated effect.
But turning Post Process settings down to remove the unwanted effects, like Motion Blur, also means removing the more favorable ambient effects like film grain on mechanical optical devices and such.
Changing seats as the player to the Ifrit gunners position will clip the player's POV and model through the roof. Dismounting the vehicle from the gunners seat will cause the player to become stuck in the vehicles hull.
Who cares about the realities of women in the real world modern armies or in the fictitious world of the ArmAverse.
At the very least, the provisions for a female character should be present in the resource library. Things like a bone rig for proper animations, even if they are not used in the main ArmA content.
Don't think of it in terms of ArmA, think of this in terms of Community Creations using Arma... like Day-Z or ArmA-Life, in which female character resources could be useful if a creative community member wanted to construct a playable model for it.