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- User Since
- Mar 19 2014, 8:34 PM (574 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
this happened 3 times today
at all times I was looted and on NWAF
it is so annoying
wtf, i thought on alfa we can't do it
yeah, we need being able to break off sticks from some trees.
but how to find morphine or epi:
arrive at spawn place -> jump on servers.
I don't really know, but I think that items are not respawning, so you can get it only after server restart.
One problem is... that developers can do everything much faster, they just wanna gather more money till alpha :((
not left, he's cleaving from right to left.
like baseballbat in dayz mod
Zombie spawn is ok. Zombie's walking through walls isn't. And zombie hit radius is over 9000, wtf?
That new long pistol is ok. It has small damage and kills zombies in 3 hits usually. .22 is easy to find in boxes with 50 bullets. But one problem is in sound. It is much louder than it must be I think. At least I'm not sure about sound radius, maybe it is ok.
maybe we will see some information about incoming fix or it will be for 2-4 weeks as often?
I'm talking about ballistic helmet, not about motorcycle. Motorcycle+gas mask is really stupid, but not ballistic+mask.
or press "F" on ammo pack with full inventory to delete the ammo
have corsair ram (2 4gb)
I think it is bugged or have problems with dayz. Cuz I was always getting BSODs with 4gb ram, then went to shop and bought 2nd one. With 4gb - BSODs. With 8gb - "WINDOWS STOPPED YOUR BUGGED DAYZ"
we can't cook rice in pot.
this is the biggest problem