User Details
- User Since
- Dec 20 2013, 12:01 AM (587 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
This also works without having to drop the item. Initiate drink/eat/use - switch to item on your hot bar (IE - Pen, Gun, or whatever). The consumed item remains while the item from the hot bar vanishes.
Confirmed. Desync issues occur, was on second floor of a large red house and sudden death.
Same desync. Can confirm no network issues are present at the time of occurrence. Running on a 50mbps/5mbps connection. Happens in large intervals of time and seem to mostly occur during pvp interactions.
Same. Currently unplayable in its current state. Massive reports exist on the tracker, forums, and reddit.
Strictly depends on what they're wearing at the time. Needs to be tested in a controlled environment.
Confirmed. I've done it multiple times and believe its also related to zombies being able to push you through walls.
Also don't have any issues, however the mode does not remain on log off. Setting it to single fire, relogging, fire mode back to full auto. Would also like to see some sort of visual indicator that its on single or auto.
Duplicate of: 0000471
Same crap just happened to me. Was at Balota and 2 people logged in on US East 1-4 at 12:30AM.
They logged in, gun fire started instantly. I was unable to move but could still swing. Then I was unable to swing. Waiting for a moment and logged off. Logged in again and was in the middle of the ocean. If this wasn't a hacker than it was a horrible bug.
This had been an issue with ARMA2:OA before as well as the DayZ mod. The fix for it was to launch using the following parameters:
-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -mod=dummy;expansion
Won't solve your problem but may help the Dev team troubleshoot.
Outside of the tracker, users have reported this issue only occurs when using the small gas canister attached but works properly with the large canister. Needs confirmed.
I think, typically, 40 feet is the threshold of certain death. Obviously, this is still greatly influenced by how you land. 3-4 meters is nothing. 13 feet, a little over x2 of normal height, or 1 story. Maybe a small percentage of death, landing improperly and breaking your leg, or being knocked out would be good. The higher the fall the higher chances of consequence.
I think this holds true with most containers of the same size. Works with protective cases as well.
Out side of the tracker, people are reporting that this is caused by logging directly out after death (Exit) instead of using the "respawn" option. Upon relogging, the users are alive again and are unable to be hurt. Needs confirmed.