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Dec 29 2013, 2:57 AM (585 w, 5 d)

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May 10 2016

SAAnalysis added a comment to T93235: Character save loss.

Some one suggested in a smaller thread that it had to do with changing the server provider. Last night I did some testing and stuck to servers. I wrote down each and every server I entered and played for about 4 hours. It had appeared to be working until for no reason (went out for a smoke break w the wife so I disconnected) I was reset.

This is the 4th time for me personally going from just about fully geared to reset.

I dont know if this is an anti server hopper feature as I change servers ALOT. (Me and the wife both smoke and there is no lobby like in the mod so I am basically joining a new server unless I write down the server names. I hadent been). Along with the fact that loot spawns 1 time in server and that is it you get ALOT of server hoppers and loot becomes scarce. This can require players to server hop themselves to survive or find loot. It outright killed many people after SA release.

Coupled with the fact that getting shot 1 or 2 times can destroy 50-100% of your inventory and gear AND the body disappears instantly (enemy if you survive the fire fight).

At this point for me the SA is broken and I will follow these feedback forumns until this is fixed.

May 10 2016, 7:04 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis edited Steps To Reproduce on T91076: Multiple Attachment Swaps.
May 10 2016, 5:54 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T91063: Server switching bug allows "teleporting".

This has been hashed out before and the system in place was fine. I do agree on being spawned outside a city if you log out in it but what about people who then camp that area for people logging in?

There was a combat system that was in place before that should be back. If you swing a weapon or fire a gun then you are locked in combat for a min or two. During that time you cannot disconnect and alternate means of achieving disconnection (Alt f4) result in death. If you are taking fire, or being attacked by a zombie you are also unable to log out. If you are near a player you cannot log out.

This is the real DayZ.. You do not just rush in a loot... you watch and study from a distance.

This system (the mod system) has its faults. Any long range fight can simply break line of sight and sit for 30 seconds and log out. It needs to take 30-45 seconds to be eligible to disconnect AND an increasing log in timer to prevent ghosting

May 10 2016, 5:54 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T91063: Server switching bug allows "teleporting".

This is not a bug but an exploit and abuse. The features designed to stop this activity are currently disabled to reduce strain on the main hive? or some sort of architecture. We are still testing and debugging esentially and Rocket has left it to us for now to play nice... but everyone is an asshole. I request this network turned on as soon as possible please

May 10 2016, 5:54 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T90911: Dead bodies disappear before being able to loot..

I would like to add that this is a bigger game breaker in the standalone then the mod. In a firefight you may lose alot of gear to damage.... If the player body stayed, we would have a min to replace damaged gear

May 10 2016, 5:48 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T90869: Bad visual bug upon logging into a server.

Similarly if you press esc then click the video button near the bottom on the left it fixes it.

May 10 2016, 5:47 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T90745: M4A1 Attatchments can not be attached.

I Have run into an attachment bug when changing multiple attachments

For example I would drag and drop a part on and it would change successfully but once 1 part has been dragged and dropped the drag and drop feature stops functioning and you can only change attachments via right clicking at that point.

May 10 2016, 5:43 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T90573: Shooting a Rifle while lying on ground always hits ground.

I would like to point out that the sights are a good inch or two above the barrel and this is common when close to the crest of a hill. While it appears to have a clear line of sight it is just that. The sights are clear but the barrel is still obstructed

May 10 2016, 5:37 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T88714: T3N RDS Optics - Battery.

Yes. I think what happens is the scope is currently set to always be on.

May 10 2016, 4:31 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T88568: Ruined items continue to work.

I have seen worn knives, bayonets, and other sharp items 'ruined' but still able to open cans.

'Ruined' food still open able and eatable. Water canteens that still quench thirst and hold water when ruined. ruined vests and pants holding items still.

Worse yet ruined items that are recoverable like ammo being loaded into magazines and removed.

This is a major balance issue

May 10 2016, 4:25 PM · DayZ
SAAnalysis added a comment to T86496: Character save loss [PRIMARY REPORT].

Some one suggested in a smaller thread that it had to do with changing the server provider. Last night I did some testing and stuck to servers. I wrote down each and every server I entered and played for about 4 hours. It had appeared to be working until for no reason (went out for a smoke break w the wife so I disconnected) I was reset.

This is the 4th time for me personally going from just about fully geared to reset.

I dont know if this is an anti server hopper feature as I change servers ALOT. (Me and the wife both smoke and there is no lobby like in the mod so I am basically joining a new server unless I write down the server names. I hadent been). Along with the fact that loot spawns 1 time in server and that is it you get ALOT of server hoppers and loot becomes scarce. This can require players to server hop themselves to survive or find loot. It outright killed many people after SA release.

Coupled with the fact that getting shot 1 or 2 times can destroy 50-100% of your inventory and gear AND the body disappears instantly (enemy if you survive the fire fight).

At this point for me the SA is broken and I will follow these feedback forumns until this is fixed.

May 10 2016, 1:24 PM · DayZ