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- User Since
- Jun 26 2014, 4:53 PM (560 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
Pin someone in a house, crouch run around the house and make them think theres 500 of you. How about while we are all at it the devs just make crouch running the default again and we can hold shift to walk...instead of this forcing us to move slow bullshit
May 10 2016
RIP english
You sir deserve a medal
Ragdoll was so uncalled for system that just makes the game more problematic.
Agreed, weapon sway is ridiculous, thought my character had Parkinsons.
It's the ragdoll causing some of those hitboxes to not work properly that and the zombies can hit from MUCH further away.
Not to mention this will stop campers in Berezino as they will have to go and hide bodies of geared players they have killed otherwise someone might get back to their body, get a hold of their gun and end their little camping spree!
Hey dumbass go to your audio settings in game and notice there is a Music setting dial that allows you to change the volume on music...I am talking about ambiance music to make the environment feel different not Korn or Bullet for my Valentine you stupid nobhead...don't take part in Alpha's if your suggestions are going to be as fucking stupid as what you just said...
I don't care how many times it's been reported this is my opinion and by taking part in the Alpha I can report this issue on 50 different tickets if I wanted to.
There is two color spray paints in the game so how many guys you think are gonna have green arm bands or leg bands? Everyone needs to seriously consider that this is still just a game...they can add a simple party system that allows us to see a small hexagon (similar to arma 3) when our squad mates are close...will make everything better...I don't see why this game should have ZERO is still a game at the end of the day.
There is not rail that can equip a bipod on a's a ww2 era rifle and should stay that for the holes at the front...there's a hole at the back...for a rifle sling...
Yeah same thing in a random apartment building in snap of a rifle just my character yelping in pain and my leg was broken although my pants and boots were far as I know even if I happened to get shot there are separate hit boxes for all your items and my boots as well as my pants were ruined which doesn't explain a player, besides I ran out the building 2 minutes later after injecting morphine and nobody shot at me.