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- User Since
- Apr 21 2021, 7:18 AM (201 w, 5 d)
Oct 24 2024
So, can I assume from the lack of acknowledgement, discussion, or feedback that this falls into the 'it is what it is' category? I have to say that the lack of any kind of response is very unprofessional and disheartening.
Oct 17 2024
Also worth noting is that, while I'm aware of the new "animPhysDetachSpeed" setting, but that only impacts vehicles based on boatscript.c, and doesn't behave as cleanly as "LinkToLocalSpaceOf". I could rewrite my boat mod to be based on boatscript.c but not my heli mod. Also if "LinkToLocalSpaceOf" isn't going to be supported (or it will misbehave) it should just be completely deprecated.
Oct 16 2024
Probably the easiest way to reproduce would be using HunterZ's RoadTripNG mod, and jump on top of a vanilla car and observer the flashing and yeeting.
This also impact the usage of KeepInVehicleSpaceAfterLeave(true) when getting out of a vehicle seat. Basically any linkage of a player to the local space of a non-boat vehicle (based on carscript) is causing issues.
May 1 2024
Yes such things are possible and Eliteness does get you part of the way, but the point is that debin tools are not actually allowed (despite their availability). The main thrust here is to make such things legit and sanctioned rather than a "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
Feb 22 2024
This is still an issue and would seem to be a very simple change to resolve.
This appears to still be an issue following the 1.24 Stable release.
This appears to have been resolved in the 1.24 Stable release.
This ticket can be closed.
Jan 25 2024
Not being able to wash hands is new in 1.24 EXP but not being able to fill bottles with ocean water was in 1.23 and I believe was intentional.
Jan 22 2024
Dec 13 2023
My thought would be to leave the entire thing as it is now with the general public (vanilla models are binned, you can't republish vanilla models to the Steam Workshop). Then have a path for modders to be 'registered' and have a Modder Portal where they could get access to the unbinned vanilla models and the authority to modify/republish them on the Steam Workshop. This allows modders to continue to use purchased mods (from CGTrader and such) and still abide by the licensing agreement to protect the purchased model assets, yet expand on the models contained with vanilla DayZ.
Jun 15 2023
Confirmed that this is resolved testing against 1.21 HF2 in EXP release.
May 31 2023
Attempt to mitigate by kicking out seated players or using UnlinkFromLocalSpace in the ~VehicleClass method doesn't work because GetChildren() returns NULL.
May 29 2023
This only seems to affect the X and Z axis, as in GetVelocity(X, Y, Z)
May 28 2023
Apr 20 2023
Feb 17 2023
Here is the effect on helicopters{F2932433}
Feb 16 2023
Looks to be happening at the end of the GetOutVehicle method.
Have seen the same issue with the RedFalcon Flight System Heliz helicopter mod. Presents as a client side desync where the client side seems to get teleported and stuck in the falling animation. From other player perspective the teleported player hasn't moved and can be interacted with (hit, shot, cut, tied up). Relogging puts the player back where they started.
Jan 25 2023
This looks to have been resolved in 1.20
Jan 11 2023
As it says, the server side needs to be updated.
Jan 3 2023
Dec 9 2022
Oct 19 2022
This is related to running an old version of the Overlay Removal mod (likely because it's been repacked in server mod packs and didn't get updated)
Jun 23 2022
Yup, got that sorted so this particular issue is resolved. Now to get the keybind menu to scroll instead if cutting off excess tabs.