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- User Since
- Jul 7 2013, 3:39 AM (605 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Well, dev team is like only 70 ppl. To make a proper armor penetration you need to re-script not only armor, but all the weaponry. It takes a lot of time and effort. There ARE more important things to fix, than something which will be available in ACE straight away, even ported from Arma 2. The beauty of this game is community mod support. If you say that most people in the community plays vanilla - you are really wrong. All largest game groups play in ACE, 90% of tournaments are played in ACE. Vanilla was always a first brick in the wall. All the basic crucial features were made by developers. All the rest was made by community. And if you dont want more immersive gameplay which ACE mod(or any other equivalent) offers, you dont really need that armor penetration simulation in casual basic game anyway. You can play vanilla and should not worry about such things at all =]
Would be good, but ACE will fix it. There are more important things to fix or add.
ACE has it.
ACE has it.
From what I noticed it only works with AI armed with Negev LMG. Usual rifleman don`t have that problem .
May 9 2016
ACE has it.
If you cant aim - problem is in you, not in the grenade system.
I love current grenade throwing. It is realistic and very efficient. Once you master it you can start to conquer the world. I finally can repeat my grenade throwing skills from my real life. =]
Take a petard in your hand and cook it before throwing away. Than after 2-3 out of 10 blew up in your hand go take a grenade and repeat.