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- Apr 14 2014, 7:54 PM (569 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
Same here with the blue one.
I'm fine with most of your points.
But keep in mind, many users use "old-school-monitors" with 5:4 aspect ratios.
Noticed this methodology too several times.
What you really can do at the moment, ist reporting the server.
Here you can find the official server hosting rules and contacts:
Sadly the hosters are not consequent enough in my opinion. They don't really shut down servers. The Admins know that and don't really change their behavior...
I guess at this point bohemia is in charge...
Maybe he keeps removing your damn supporter count, cause its unfair against other suggestions. Remember, what I told you earlier?
By the way: It's crazily annoying having 10.000 E-mails every day, saying something has changed in this thread. And then I go here only to notice you have updated the supporter count or changed a word or what ever. Man, stop doing this, please! It's annoying...
You have already the proof that someone at bohemia read your suggestion...
All right freerider, you see my point, I see yours.
"Term cheating": Well, my english isn't as good as it should be - I'm no native english speaker and languages haven't been my talent in school. So sorry for that. But as I said. I guess you see my point and thats fine for now!
I really like the suggestion, so count my vote. ;)
Here you can see that the devs read suggestions and sometimes share their thoughts: #0006934
Also I monitored and posted multiple issues where at first no reaction of the devs was noticeable for weeks and then, boom, the issue is solved or you get an answer, that they are working on it.
In addition you should read the weekly status reports. Especially in the early ones it becomes clear that community-suggestions have high impact on the development of the game.
So in conclusion I'm pretty sure they read everything, discuss everything and do their best to enlarge the game experience.
I'm not the lawyer of the devs. But, as I said before, I don't like cheating. Every suggestion is equal.
So now you're updating the supporter-count in the summary to keep your suggestion on top of the unassigned and recently modified lists, so everybody entering the board is confronted with your suggestion every time?
What is this all about?
If a suggestion is good, it will be discussed, it will be recognized, it will be voted and it dosen't need steroids...
Yes, I voted your suggestion up and I'm monitoring it, cause it's really interesting.
But I don't like cheating.
May 10 2016
Yeah man, you really understood the intention...
I cannot confirm that all the servers restart after 5 min. All the servers I know (about 30 servers; most of them are german) run as they are supposed to run.
The only thing me and my group notice quite often is, that server admins seem to utilize their power by restarting their servers when they have looted a certain area (to quickly reloot the area and gaining equipment) or when they got killed (to prevent their characters).
Seems to be the same in 0.46.124490. I can't find any loot in the tents shown in the screenshot. Any other tent-type is spawning loot.
Feels like it's becoming more and more hackers/cheaters.
I just got killed today in 0.46 stable by a speed hacker. A friend of mine found a player flying over Berezino some minutes later on the same server.
Seeing this, unlimited ammo seems to be the smallest issue.
I'd love to see an effective anti-cheat patch, an effective BattleEye and VAC.
Today a friend of mine shot another player with infinite ammo and made the screenshot I uploaded. So hacked mags and infinite ammo are still in the game (Issue #0009968 seems not to be resolved)! Also I heard a player with infinite M4-ammo yesterday, but I couldn't find and kill him. Of course we dispose all the hacked stacks we find!
This happened in version 0.46.124490.
Have not seen the bug in 0.47 stable yet.
We made the same experience, BloodbathG. But the game crashes still have to be solved.
Me and my group found something:
As I wrote earlier, there are sometimes game crashes while playing.
Everytime a game crash happens to one or some players on the server, the rest of the players, staying on the server, get the error message: "Confirmation of Changes - Cannot load material file .". (See the screenshots changes1 and 2.)
We found a way to avoid these ingame game crashes: Everytime we change servers we completely close DayZ and restart it. Using this routine helps us staying ingame and getting the error message instead of a game crash.
Yes, NoOneKnows is right. Today I got the crash report files of a friend. I uploaded them to
I uploaded my crash-report-files (DayZ2.rar) too.
Just in case it's important: I deleted the -noLogs launch option yesterday (22.06.14) for the first time, to send you the best possible crash-report. (Normally I keep this active to guarantee best possible game-performance). So what ever this option affects and what ever you can see in my report - it might be "complete" since that date.
I have not managed to make some testing to isolate the problem yet. All I can say is there are "random" crashes while playing and "foreseeable" chrashes while changing servers or quitting the game.
I had similar experience after 0.45. stable release.
After I joined my server twice due to a planned server restart, my character died out of nothing. I was still standing on the railways near the new town in the north, tried to get my M4 in my hands, maybe turned a bit round and maybe made one two steps back and forth. And then I died. With the notification, my legs are in pain. When I start DayZ I can still see the character I had before this specific death, although I died another 2 times meanwhile.
I noticed this bug as well. I ate a can of beans (about 70 % remaining). While eating I dropped the backpack holding the can. Then I immediately put the backpack on (eating-animation was still ongoing). In the end I had the same can with the same "start-volume" in my backpack. So in fact I can generate infinite food just by storing one food-item in my inventory and using the bug.
Still effective in 0.46.124490.
Still working in 0.45.124426.
Confirming for 0.48 stable.
Meanwhile I found another glitchable "dead building". You can see it in example2.jpg.
example3.jpg shows a building I have never managed to go into. But yesterday me and my group saw another group/clan jumping out of the wall opposite to the buffer-stop. So there has to be a way you can glitch into that building (or maybe every "dead building/room"?).
Maybe the problem is solvable in a way, that every player who managed to glitch in a "dead room" is instantly killed by the server.
Confirming for 0.47 stable.
It's not only the statues you can glitch into. You can also hide inside the beige silos, like you can find in Berezino (I made screenshots). I have not found other glitchable "dead buildings" yet, but there may be some more. I'll keep on testing...
To get into these "dead buildings" you can also try to jump, holding a weapon in your hands.
Please fix this as fast as you can. Groups and clans are using this bug to spot other players, to ambush them, to hide... Sadly it seems to become more and more popular.
Confirming for 0.47 stable.
There are already enough clothing possibilities to make your group unique. And even more clothing will come with the next patch.
DayZ was in my opinion not designed to be a team-game. Yes, it's nice many survivors build teams and stuff. But it's also nice they have to use their intelligence to keep the team alive.
Knowing where your friends are and what they're doing is at first a question of good communication anyway.
Yes, nemedsvi is right. I mean the Mode column. Sorry for being imprecise.
I corrected the text and the summary
Yes, it does.
I noticed the issue in Hardcore today and recorded a video:
Indeed the problem only occures with attached weapon flashlight.
But as you can see, the dot is visible for a split second when turning on the FNP45 MRD.
This is a video description I found on YouTube.
To me this is critical and has to be resolved quickly! This bug is completely ruining game experience.
... or attach the tape on protector cases, that you can instantly see whats inside.
This is currently the most important issue to fix! It can completely ruin game experience.
Fixing this is much more important, than adding items, hunting, cars and stuff.