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- User Since
- Mar 7 2013, 12:00 AM (626 w, 6 d)
May 9 2016
No. Military does actually walk like that. Ive seen it in footage, and pictures.
Youre either a troll, or a guy that wants to look badass in a game..
This is alright, but maybe a 2 man move? one helps to vault the other one over a wall. Not jumping, thats dumb
Should be possible to block doors with something.
Would be cool if there were a few long houses you could run through, and you would have people following you through them
Thats pretty cool. Would add a nice "oh man i really gotta help them" if they yell for reinforcements :D
Well, i think there was, but then it was only shown inside of the helicopter.
It was one of the first things i thought of, that the fire could have been invisible, and i walked into it and died.
Mostly men would play female characters, and since theyre usually thinner/smaller, they will be more difficult to shoot. (Like some people believe in dayZ)
Also, a females voice will be HORRIBLE to listen to in the COMMS
Female models aren't really needed.
The time could be used on more important things.
And honestly, only 1-5% (maybe) are female that play this game.
The rest that would play female characters are people that just wants to watch "ass".
And the voices would sound horrible.
The "sun" effect on environments when it went dark and light again in ARMA 2 was quite annoying. I like how it is now really.