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User Since
Dec 17 2013, 7:49 AM (588 w, 1 h)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

Musk edited Steps To Reproduce on T107752: Suicide animations allows for spamming.
May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ
Musk edited Steps To Reproduce on T107750: Switching eatable item while eating.
May 11 2016, 3:46 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Musk added a comment to T88137: INCREDIBLE lack of loot..

Loot currently only spawn on server start and won't respawn loot until the server restarts. It might be to make everything more scarce, but because of server hoppers jumping in and out of server for supplies, it's not working out.

May 10 2016, 4:08 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T88133: Spawning in thirsty.

This might have been done intentionally by the devs. If that's the case, it's more of a balancing issue.

May 10 2016, 4:08 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T88109: Dead bodies flying off along the ground!!.

Same happened to me. I was raiding NW Airfield and I found a dead guy sliding from the base of the firestation's tower, through the wall facing away from the airstrip and onto the concrete.

May 10 2016, 4:07 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T88072: Night is unplayable.

Use a flashlight

May 10 2016, 4:05 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.

For fuck sake b00st, and everyone else who is going to come in here and say this is not a bug. The URL itself is "". This clearly belongs under feedback AND on the forums.

May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.

Kalips, this website is for feedback.

May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T86888: Third person gives unfair advantage / decreases experience of the game.

I completely agree on this topic.

Having access to third person view is absurd. Being able to look over high walls and around corners. This will allow bandits in (not just) the major cities lying on rooftops or in apartment building,the ability to overlook the entire city without putting them self at risk of being shot. That being said the only solution to this, will be to simply force first person on some server and allow third person on others. Even though we all know official hive first person servers will dwindle with time and almost disappear, like it happened in the mod and end out in cod kids using third person on unofficial server spawning in with as50s and ghillie suits and five different kind of choppers.

Even though the standalone has a FOV, Head bob and a radial blur slider people will still complain about "headaches", "tunnel vision", "motion sickness" and continue to want third person, because they don't want to risk losing their equipment, to other third person players who is equally afraid of losing their equipment, resulting in massive fire fights.

I love this game so fucking much, but I don't want to see it turn into the shitfest of a deathmatch simulator that was the DayZ Mod.

May 10 2016, 3:06 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T86873: Purification tablets disappearing.

Since everything is done server-side now, you need to give it some time. Same with bleeding, after you bandage you need to wait for a while so the server can register it.

Alternatively: try playing on a low pop server and see if it helps.

May 10 2016, 3:01 PM · DayZ
Musk edited Steps To Reproduce on T86834: [PRIMARY REPORT]: Character is seen stuck in equip animation loop by others.
May 10 2016, 2:58 PM · DayZ
Musk edited Steps To Reproduce on T86794: DUPLICATE.
May 10 2016, 2:44 PM · DayZ
Musk added a comment to T86782: quick swap 1-9 doesn't work correctly 100% of the time.

I second this. It feels like I have to repress the key twice and even thrice sometimes. I was playing on a 40/40 player server which might explain it as lag, due to everything being done server side.

May 10 2016, 2:38 PM · DayZ