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- User Since
- Jun 23 2016, 11:28 AM (451 w, 6 d)
Apr 28 2017
Mar 28 2017
Some variation of the Gorka pants (6 slots) and was swapping an 8-slot jacket with another 8-slot.
Mar 27 2017
When was it fixed? I tried to reproduce it myself, didn't succeed either, but it definitely happened regularly last week and before that.
It has happened with the chest holster and with different vests including plate carrier (from holster), UK assault vest and high capacity vest, under that it's been most likely the 8-slot jackets (USMC/M65). All of the items in the vest disappeared from the quickbar.
Mar 25 2017
Mar 24 2017
I'm not playing in windowed mode, but during startup the game usually isn't full screen at first, but a smaller window stuck partly out of screen in the bottom right corner of the screen, and after the crash I came here to report other bugs that I noticed, which is what probably has caused me to accidentally press play in the background. Seems that I had instantly died after logging back. For my peace of mind, could you check what was the cause of death? So if the death wasn't a bug after all...
Yes she did! That's the one.
My time of death was a bit after midnight, GMT+0200
Cannot recall the server anymore, is it possible to check it without the IP?
I regrettably have no idea what server I was on when the game crashed, didn't mark it up and couldn't remember afterwards. Most likely it was one of the swedish DayZ SE 4-xxx servers, can't really say which, sorry.
Mar 23 2017
Same issue: usually happens just when logging in to a server while holding a weapon in hand, it keeps raising the gun (luckily not shooting) indefinitely, no matter how much you press space. To me, the only way to get rid of it (without shooting the gun) is to take a melee weapon in hand, which causes the character to start swinging it, and then press left click once to stop the action. Then switch back to the gun.
Mar 21 2017
Yes, except the opposite way around: in inventory they weren't visible, and while not in inventory, visible again.
Mar 20 2017
Mar 16 2017
It's those metallic towers marked as "sniperspost" in the dayzdb map, one of those is just right of the southernmost heli crash location inside the NWAF area. These things.
The vehicle turns into bright white. The sedan was broken and on some server I am no longer on, so can't really go back and make a video. If I come across another, will try and remember videoing it.
I'm afraid I had filled the magazines so long ago I have no idea in which condition the bullets were in the first place. I had no idea their quality affects the wear down rate of the suppressor. My current nato suppressor is badly damaged and used quite a bit so probably going to break down soon regardless of the ammo. If I find another, will test and report back.
Also there is no way to tell if the server's completely empty now, is there? Only says low amount of players and no more player list in-game, or am I missing something?
When the door opens away from the character at least. Will go experiment more in a bit if I'd get it to reappear again.
Mar 15 2017
Mar 10 2017
Yes, the stumps flicker between white/correct texture while the player character is moving. Full-grown trees are fine.
Mar 7 2017
No, this is with a single row of attachments (the same size as with none). Nothing in the hand slot changes, only the last tick of the zoom sometimes doesn't trigger.
No, it remains on. Attaching a screenshot.