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Changing shirt/jacket removes vest items from hotkeys
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Changing your shirt/jacket underneath a vest/holster removes not only the items in the jacket from hotbar but the vest/holster items as well. Is this due to the vest being removed momentarily and then put back on the player with the new jacket under it?


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Equip a shirt/jacket
  2. Equip a vest/holster and put items in it and bind them to hotkeys
  3. Change your shirt/jacket from under the vest
  4. See how the vest items are gone from the hotbar

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.EditedMar 27 2017, 12:44 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello MajorTom and thank you for the report.
Do you remember which specific clothing pieces you had when experiencing this issue and how many items present from each piece were on the quickbar (and how many were removed upon the swap)?

It has happened with the chest holster and with different vests including plate carrier (from holster), UK assault vest and high capacity vest, under that it's been most likely the 8-slot jackets (USMC/M65). All of the items in the vest disappeared from the quickbar.

Geez added a comment.Mar 28 2017, 11:52 AM

Thank you MajorTom.
Do you also remember which pants did your character use (or at least the amount of slots they had)? And were you swapping the tshirt / jacket on your character with a tshirt/jacket that has the same amount of slots as the one your character wears or was the amount of slots different (and if so, how many slots did the t-shirt/jacket have?)?

Some variation of the Gorka pants (6 slots) and was swapping an 8-slot jacket with another 8-slot.

Just now I realized it doesn't necessarily remove the vest items from the quickbar, but this time some items from the backpack instead (alice camo backpack)... it was a glock magazine and a scorpion magazine that disappeared from the bar, the glock itself was in the high capacity vest but the scorpion was in the backpack as well... previously the glock has disappeared from the bar, being in the vest, so at first I thought the glock mag dropped out because it was somehow related to the glock in the vest, but then again the scorpion and its mag were both in the backpack and only the mag disappeared from the quickbar.

Geez added a comment.Mar 30 2017, 4:14 PM

Hello MajorTom.
We have been testing this issue thoroughly, but unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the issue. Would it be possible for you to make a video of the issue for us?