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Burnt out items in fireplace not disappearing
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Items burnt out in a fireplace (tested with wooden sticks, rags and bark) don't disappear, but visually still fill the fireplace's inventory, adding more stuff in leads the new items going to a second row of items which the fireplace clearly doesn't support as its inventory view doesn't scale downwards to a second row. These burnt out items that should have disappeared, while manipulated by the player, cause the player to get stuck between animations (e.g. if the player was holding a long wooden stick with meat in the fire, trying to manipulate the burnt out items causes the player's hands to be stuck in the position where they held the stick even if the stick is taken off the hands), this is fixable by changing action (e.g. pulling out an axe).


Operating System
Windows 7
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Lit a fireplace
  2. Burn it for a while so the kindlings burn out
  3. See if the items disappear when burnt out or not
  4. If not, try manipulating them and watch the player's animations get stuck

Event Timeline

MajorTom created this task.Mar 20 2017, 9:42 PM
MajorTom edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 20 2017, 9:48 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Mar 21 2017, 3:32 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello MajorTom and thank you for the report.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.