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- User Since
- Jan 21 2015, 9:34 PM (531 w, 1 d)
Jan 21 2022
I've been wondering if this was possible by now and somehow stumbled upon this suggestion. As outdated squad.xml is, it's what very many active units still rely on.
Oct 1 2021
Stumbled over this yesterday as well. Sent an MQ-12 to the AAF airfield to have easy access to it when AA is down in the nearby AO.
Jan 25 2019
This also is the case for vehicle damage set to "´Main rotor (helicopter)". Anti-torque works, main rotor does not. A3 Version 1.88.145285
Dec 4 2017
Sort of fixed by Laws of War DLC.
Sep 2 2017
Jul 31 2017
This is still an issue in version 1.72. Pistol holstering is available for almost all uniforms with holsters except the wetsuits.
Mar 12 2017
Arma 3 Version 1.66 & Dev build 1.69.140790. All mods disabled / unloaded.
May 10 2016
I'd like to add that especially with some hosting providers this can cause quite some headaches, as there often is no way to symlink to the:
~/.local/share/Arma\ 3\ -\ Other\ Profiles/<profilename>
Folder and any access to the arma3profile file is denied.
"Waidmannsheil" (just like "Petri Heil") is a best wishes term used only for hunter (or fishermen).
"Gute Jagd" or "Erfolgreiche Jagd" would make more sense.
How difficult would it be to just make a male model look a bit more feminin? Without all new animation sets etc.? Sure - she would walk like a grunt, but hey female soldiers don't walk like they are walking on a catwalk. Maybe a compromise would be a good first step. Maybe it is time to get an outside opinion on the best way to approach this controversial issue - if done right Bohemia and Arma could get quite a lot of positive attention.
It looks like BIS already gave the SDV some bonus as it moves a bit faster than it's real-life counterpart. Nevertheless, I think the underwater combat could profit from small improvements as it brings something fresh to the game.
Gaining additional velocity by closing hatches and lowering the periscope would be a boon to anyone seriously interested in underwater missions.
SDV in A3: 18 kph (9.8 knots)
Swimmer delivery vehicle: 7 knots
I wish the assault boats were a bit faster/speedier as well. Currently even when pressing "Turbo" an assault boat barely goes above 27 kph. This is an issue if for example you want to do some long range insertion missions.
To me it really looks like a knots / kph conversion mistake, as 25 - 27 knots would be absolutely doable. A Zodiac WB 400 with a 25 HP engine should easily be doing 25 - 30 knots, which would be around 50-56 kph.
As a first step at least allow the game to dynamically load mods. If I have CBA3, ACE3, TFAR, ACRE2, AIA-TP and RHS as addons in my game directory and the server demands CBA3, TFAR, AIA-TP, then let it load these mods before joining the server.
Second step would be to allow server admins to add links to the necessary mods or directly offer to subscribe to them from the Steam Workshop (if available).