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- Jan 10 2014, 7:18 PM (578 w, 2 d)
Jul 8 2016
May 10 2016
Yes I will...maybe tomorrow or if not tomorrow then on friday
I have updated the thread with the video
Not in the advanced flight model and not if you are flying with a joystick... Nevertheless as St.Timmy said there already is such an option so the issue could be closed... But i don't have the permission to do that
Everytime I try to chnge the state of this it says "Access denied"
thanks :)
(The following refers to all the sounds except of the crashing sound) It might be unaccustomed for now but if your see it neutrally it is very realistic that for instance you can hear the wind when flying fast especially in open helicopters like the Hummingbird
Yeah I see your point but why should they change the sounds so short before the will be replaced anyhow? Either they want to try out the new samples before they are an official Part of their DLC or they want to keep them for the new Sound model. But however they need Feedback for this so they can see how the new sounds work. And even if I am totally wrong it can't be bad for them to know what the community thinks about their recent changes.
Yes I know but right now it sounds unrealistic and I wanted them to know.
I actally never noticed that until I've read this thread but you are totally right... If we get sounds for this it will increase gameplay-experience. Upvoted!
I see it like DarkSideSixOfficial... There is no such option in real life so why should there be one ingame? And rain is naturally loud and will avoid you from hearing shots fired a few hundred meters away.