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- User Since
- Apr 11 2014, 10:56 AM (570 w, 5 d)
Oct 17 2016
Hello Zzims,
There's not really anything you can do on your side. It's basically a bug in the character database that the dev team has to fix during development. I'll close this ticket for now, but in case you run into any other issues, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Oct 14 2016
That's good to hear. I'll close the ticket as requested.
This does seem to have been connected to the character data. We have tried killing that character, so please try and see if you can log on with a fresh spawn without issues.
Oct 10 2016
Hello garr3tt,
This might be related to the data for your public hive character. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll be happy to take a look at it.
Oct 3 2016
Thanks for contacting us on this issue. The team is aware of the issue and will make sure to fix this during development of course. In case you find yourself stuck without any means of escaping, please feel free to submit a new ticket and we'll have a look at your character.
Closing ticket then. In case you run into any other issues, please feel free to submit a new one and we'll have a look.
Good to hear. I'll close the ticket then, but just let us know if you run into any other issues.
Sep 26 2016
We've had a look at the character data, and it the problem seems to be related to the bipod attached to your M4A1. We have "killed" the character in focus since it was not possible to edit the data attached, so do you have time to check and see if you can log on with a fresh spawn please?
Sep 21 2016
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll check your character data and see what the deal is. Example: ""
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Sep 16 2016
Alright, thanks for the info. I'll close the ticket for now then, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Hi l4ou,
Alright, I'll close the ticket for now then. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Hi FatPanda0827,
Sep 12 2016
This might have had to do with your inventory (the bipod specifically). We have tried killing that character, so do you have time to check if you can log in now with a fresh spawn and see if all is well?
Sep 9 2016
Hello citrinase,
Hi Hoofygonglaird,
Sep 8 2016
Hello rdawg789,
Sep 6 2016
Hi BaconSlab,
Aug 30 2016
Thanks a lot! We'll check your 3rd person character from the public hive and see what the deal is.
Aug 29 2016
Hello SeeJay_DZ,
Aug 25 2016
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Aug 24 2016
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Aug 23 2016
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Unfortunately, it's not possible to do a search via the guid.
Aug 22 2016
Aug 18 2016
Hello XandirStein,
Alright, I'll close the ticket then, but in case you experience any other problems in the future, please feel free to submit another ticket.
Aug 12 2016
Aug 11 2016
Hi acexluke,
Aug 10 2016
Hello 0Tek,
Aug 9 2016
Thank you, I got the steamID by looking up your profile. All should be good now, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Aug 8 2016
Hello Bine,
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Aug 3 2016
Hello lolstar999,
Aug 1 2016
Thanks for the feedback on this guys. I'll let IT know about what might be an issue with IE and see if it's something on our end that they can fix.
Hello Sneakydude,
That's good to hear. Thanks for getting back to us on that issue :)
Jul 29 2016
Sorry to hear about the trouble. Have you by any chance tried flushing your cache files/deleting your internet history, or tested via a different browser for example?
Jul 28 2016
Thanks for sending in that link. I can see that you have a total of 6 characters where one of them is created on the public hive for 3rd/1st person servers.
Jul 26 2016
Sorry to hear about your trouble. To begin with, if you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll make sure to check if the root cause is in your character data. Example: ""
As requested, your regular server character has now been moved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Jul 25 2016
Good to hear that you managed to get out :)
All good then. Feel free to contact us again in case you run into any other issues.
Alright, I'll close the ticket as requested. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
No problem at all :)
Jul 22 2016
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Of course, which of your characters needs a reset?
Jul 21 2016
That would be excellent :)
Also, if you by any chance have the option of recording the whole process of going from a normal state to hyperthermic (not just showing the hyperthermic state), then that would of course be much appreciated.
Thanks for contacting us regarding this subject. We can see that the server date is set during the summer, so it would by nature be a hot environment that your character is moving around in. The tweet from June 22 was in relation to some servers being misconfigured. That issue should have been solved a while ago.
Ah, alright. I'll close the ticket then. But in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for putting this to our attention. In these cases, the best option would be to contact the server admins directly so that they can act accordingly.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Thanks for sending in your info! Both of your characters should now be unstuck (the devs will address the stuck-spot since we already have this bug filed internally, as mentioned by Geez). In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. I can see that you have multiple characters across several different servers. Do you have the server info for the one where your character is stuck?
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Jul 18 2016
Thanks for sending in your info. Nothing seems to be out of order in the character database, but do you by any chance have the option of logging on with your Steam account on a different pc and different connection and see if you experience the same problem?
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Jul 15 2016
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Thanks for sending in your information. I killed your character with the burlap sack as requested, so you should be good to go again. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll check and see if the problem is related to character data for example. Example: ""
Good to hear. We still have the character data available, so from that we'll be able to analyse they cause.
Jul 12 2016
I just tried killing that character. Do you have time to check and see if you can connect to servers without issues now?
Just to confirm; is this for your public 3rd/1st person server character?
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
Jul 11 2016
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll check and see if the problem is related to your character. Example: ""
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I can move your character. Example: ""
If you send me a link to your Steam profile, I'll check and see if I can find the cause for the problem. Example: ""
Jul 1 2016
Do you have time to check if you can connect to the following servers please?
Jun 29 2016
Good to hear! I'll close your ticket, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Ah, alright. I'll close the ticket then, but in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
Jun 28 2016
Sorry to hear about your trouble. Fragnet had a look into the issue, and all should be good now. Do you have time to confirm if all is good now?
Jun 27 2016
Thanks for sending in this info. I just tried killing one of your characters which might have had some bad character data saved in the database. Do you have time to check if the problem is still present please?
Hello again,
All good then. I'll close this ticket and as mentioned, the team is on the case.
I killed your character, so please try and see if you still have the same problem please.
Jun 22 2016
Thanks for sending that in. Are you you unable to log on to both 1st person servers as well as 3rd/1st person servers?
Thanks, I tried to kill your 3rd/1st person character. Can you confirm if it's possible for you to log on to servers with a fresh character?
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.
The problem of the character being stuck in the other ticket is solved. Not the bug itself. Don't worry, the team knows of the bug and it will be addressed during development.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. If you send me a link to your Steam profile (we can't use the guid for character searches), I can move your character. Example: ""
Thanks for sending in your information. Your problem should now be solved. In case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to submit a new ticket.