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- User Since
- Jun 2 2013, 12:33 AM (614 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
getPosATL Y and Z = 0
getPosATL Y and Z = 0
getPos is working for me in editor
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addAction is working for me, but if you are using supply crate this can be related to this and this
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This is something with B_supplyCrate_F and nearestObjects. B_supplyCrate_F is not visible for nearestObjects.
It can be or not boundingCenter = [-0.00921002,-0.00295222,12.1003]. Z now is 12 and was 0. boundingBox and boundingBoxReal was not correct, but boundingCenter was at ground level. I do not have idea how to fix IgiLoad now.
Pleas fix boundingBox, boundingBoxReal and restore previous boundingCenter or make it in REAL boundingBoxReal.
Upvote. I have test this with Cargo Parachute and C-17 mod.
"Land_Cargo20_blue_F", "Land_Cargo20_brick_red_F", "Land_Cargo20_cyan_F", "Land_Cargo20_grey_F", "Land_Cargo20_light_blue_F", "Land_Cargo20_light_green_F", "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F", "Land_Cargo20_orange_F", "Land_Cargo20_red_F", "Land_Cargo20_sand_F", "Land_Cargo20_white_F", "Land_Cargo20_yellow_F"
also cause damage.
Fixing this problem is highly desirable to extend the capabilities of my IgiLoad script:
Too bad that you could not reproduce the problem.
I also have it. To reproduce try:
- Run Overwolf.
- Run Arma3.
- Join the game server.
The problem occurs most often when switching from the game menu (server browser) to the mission welcome screen.
I'll check on Beta.
The beta version is more stable with Overwolf.
The beta version of Arma3 stopped working when I closed and start Overwolf again, when the game was launched.
Normal version, as it often happens to me, stopped working immediately after starting when Overwolf was running.
The problem is with Support (picture is too big) not with Transport. Compare with other vehicles. VOTE UP
There is a new report with more precise information.
The information contained in this report are misleading.
At first I thought it was a problem only with the MH-9 and AH-9. It is problem with objects:
I close this report.
For me it do not work on Dedi in SP it is ok.