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- User Since
- Aug 31 2013, 6:56 PM (603 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
I feel like it has something to do with memory allocation:
Someone also suggested to deactivate "multi threading" in NVIDIA options (it's on "auto" by default) but it did not help me.
have a look here:
and here (original):
I assume Shagohad is talking about the same issue.
For some reason I suddenly get the exact same weird error in Arma 2 OA and therefor I think it has something to do with either BattleEye or old Arma engine suddenly just starts to produce this error randomly.
Please read the first link where I describe what can not be the cause of it :)
I also posted my testing results in the 'notes' from the original ticket (second link, scroll way down)
good hunt! :)
any news? game still unplayable... for lots of players in fact...
e_xil, you obviously did not read/understand my posts so read again or bugger off.
Your tip about 64bit has NOTHING to do with my problem. You get it now?
Ok, after all my testing I can clearly say that there is no error traceable on my PC
- Process explorer (no DPCs "deferred procedure calls" or memory leaks/spikes/lags)
- Nothing wrong with my harddisk or I/O
- nothing wrong with my drivers (all updated and no conflicts or corrupt drivers (according to SDKs 'DPC Latency Checker')
- No lag-spikes on my GPU
All this was tested before and during the actual appearance of the polygon-lag and there were absolutely no indicators in none of these tools that something might be going wrong. No spikes at all.
So, since I now get those polygon-lags in Arma 2 OA too (again!!!), I am really "sad" and I beg you guys to fix this game-breaking bug before anything else.
TOP PRIORITY!!! ...please :p
(and in the end it turns out it's all because of crappy BattleEye again - or Steam... or both *sigh*)
sorry, but installing 64bit win can't be the solution - and in fact it is not since 64bit win introduces a lot of other issues, not only in DayZ
I've noticed that whenever the polygone-lag happens, my ressource monitor shows an increase of "hard faults" (aka. "page faults") in memory tab.
To me it looks like there is a problem during memory dump or accessing the page-file...
nope, I was just monitoring the wrong process. No hardfaults during the polygon lag.
Yo dudes! I believe I can narrow things down a bit more but you really have to stick with me for this one (in terms of train-of-thought):
- I bet every one of you get the exact same error when playing Arma 2 or Arma 2 OA... try it, even if the graphics dont go all polygone for a while you should still notice that things are lagging when running, zooming and turning around. It's the same error which will lead to the polygone mess sooner or later.
- I am pretty sure that I did get the same issues (maybe not as bad as it is now) about one year ago when I installed Arma 2 OA and DayZ SA for the first time on my new PC. The graphics didn't go polygone back then, but I had the lag when zooming, or running and using scope and ironsights. Also turning around was very laggy.
- I can't remember what happened, but for some reason or by the intervention of some deus ex machina, I suddenly was able to play even on high populated wasteland/dayz servers on high settings without any graphic-lag. And I really can't remember what I did to fix it.
- I begin to think that a combination of events affected the performance of my Arma 2 and DayZ SA - Because the only tweaks I ever did on my new PC back then were:
- I unparked my i5 cpu cores (which I later learned was kind of pointless since it only works with i7)
- I did the manual "unawave"-thingy (google "unawave") to allow my win7 32bit to use more than 4GB of ram
- I was never able to install any other NVIDIA driver than 332.21 because every attempt to update the drivers ended in a BSOD during installation or later during reboot. So i had to stick with 332.21 - until now.
Because now my fresh installed win7 is completely up to date and I have the latest NVIDIA drivers running (also bios, chipset, etc...) but Arma and SA are lagging worse than ever before.
I begin to think that I should repeat the steps with unparking cores and/or using NVIDIA 332.21, and see what happens.
To me this error feels like there is something overflowing or repeatedly returning NULL values, or something. It's as if the whole enviroment and all objects are getting piled on top of each other instead of getting unloaded at some point.
win7 ultimate 32bit
i5 3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz
NVIDIA 660ti
(edit 2)
Could it be that there is something like a capped maximum amount of objects that can be drawn? I am asking because I've just noticed that my character goes all polygone whenever I am looking at a lot of objects. If I turn away the game still lags and has the same symptomes but suddenly my character looks almost normal again for a second or so.
So, every time I turn to face a lot of objects it seems that the engine reaches some kind of 'max. amount of objects' and can't flush the objects which are not needed any more and therefor my character starts to look really bad. Coincidence?
(edit 3)
Another thing I've noticed is that whenever the polygone-lag occures the game crashes way faster when you choose to keep running. If you stand still the error doesn't disappear but it will take much longer to crash the application - and sometimes it doesn't even crash.
It looks like it's piling up data and can't flush it in time.
(edit 4)
I've just found out that the reason why I never could install any other NVIDIA driver than 322.21 was the "unawave" tweak which was suppose to enable my win7 32bit to use all of my 8GB ram.
So, for updating and using latest NVIDIA driver I'd have to boot the "un-tweaked" version of Win7 to avoid BSOD
May 10 2016
i have exactly same issue after today release :(
also i would add, it's not only in middle stances up or down, but also sideways (ctrl A/D)