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Jul 29 2014, 8:46 PM (552 w, 3 d)

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Nov 9 2016

Droptine added a comment to T120707: Bad FPS.

Still very noticeable for me. 11/9

Nov 9 2016, 5:21 PM · DayZ

Nov 3 2016

Droptine added a comment to T120707: Bad FPS.

My initial conclusion from playing today on Exp Test #4... it seems fixed? If not, it is barely noticeable for me?

Nov 3 2016, 5:21 PM · DayZ

Nov 2 2016

Droptine added a comment to T120707: Bad FPS.

Just chipping in here again to say, still experiencing this on Exp test #3 today. Tried switching between show only on 1 monitor and back to 2 monitors, no difference. Choppiness still evident. I would assume, that if it has to do with server simulation rate, all players should experience this sensation? Also might add, animations such as opening doors/gates seem 60+ FPS smooth. Just player movement of any kind seems choppy.

Nov 2 2016, 5:32 PM · DayZ

Nov 1 2016

Droptine added a comment to T120707: Bad FPS.

I experienced this on a 60 Hz Monitor. However, I did have a two monitor setup, not sure if that is something in common or not. And by two monitor setup, I mean I just happened to have 2 hooked up. I was only playing DayZ on my main, 1080p monitor.

Nov 1 2016, 6:14 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T120707: Bad FPS.

I am having this exact same issue on Exp .61 Test #2 today. I could not capture a video as I couldn't get ShadowPlay to work correctly. But yes, I'm getting well over 60+ FPS consistently, but it feels more like 30 or below. I tried this both on high settings and low (shown below). GTX 970, 2 Monitor Setup. Did not get to try disconnecting second monitor to see if it made a difference or not.

Nov 1 2016, 5:34 PM · DayZ

May 10 2016

Droptine edited Steps To Reproduce on T101207: Legs Break, "You are dead." Upper levels of buildings, stairs etc. Randomly 2-3 times a day..
May 10 2016, 11:46 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T101195: Legs spontaneously break!.

Just wanted to say I confirm this SEVERAL TIMES. It happens to me multiple times a day and is quite frustrating... usually around buildings.. mostly on stairs / or upper levels, but has also happened just outside of a grocery store.

No warning or anything, just legs break, then "you are dead." No sounds or anything... Happens to me probably 2-3 times a day even.

Really hope to see a fix soon, as this is definitely unplayable for me.

May 10 2016, 11:45 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T101167: Legs broke, Pants (and stuff inside) ruined, You are dead.

Want to confirm this issue. It happens to me SEVERAL times a day. Usually upper levels of buildings, but also happened right outside of a grocery store. No warnings or sounds, just legs break, "You are dead.". I've been commenting on all the bug tickets I can find regarding this issue.. and there are several.

I really would love to see a fix soon as this makes the game unplayable for me. Happens 2-3 times a day.

May 10 2016, 11:44 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T101158: Fire station's and control tower's upper levels break legs and kill you.

Confirmed. Multiple different buildings... usually accompanied with "Leg in extreme pain" sometimes survive and see that message. Other times, just straight to "You are dead." screen. Happens multiple times to me a day, quite frustrating.

EDIT: Still happening on both experimental and stable. 2-3 times a day. "Legs are broken", "You are dead"... hope to see a fix soon as this makes the game unplayable for me.

May 10 2016, 11:44 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T94469: Dead - Rooftop Tower Firehouse - NWAF.

Just hopping in to say I am still experiencing this bug. Both stable and experimental. I have died on upper levels of Firestation, ATC Tower, Parking garage, and other places... No noises, sometimes i'll see the "Leg in extreme pain" and I'll survive, other times just straight "You are dead."

EDIT: Still occurring both on Experimental and Stable branches. Happens 2-3 times a day. Upper levels of building everywhere, stairs, 1 case right outside of grocery store. Legs break, "you are dead.". Hope to see a fix soon as this makes the game unplayable for me.

May 10 2016, 7:54 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T91592: Instant Death Glitch (Inside Buildings on 2nd or higher level).

Confirmed MULTIPLE times... Firestation, ATC tower, school... No shots, no noises, no warning, just pops up with death screen "You are dead." Really hope this gets voted up as this happens almost every day to me.

May 10 2016, 6:12 PM · DayZ
Droptine added a comment to T86571: [PRIMARY REPORT] Random Zombie and Character action noises.

Just adding that I am still hearing the random noises... zombies, ammo loading, can opening, and gas station explosions when someone logs in.

May 10 2016, 1:54 PM · DayZ