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User Since
Mar 9 2013, 1:21 PM (625 w, 2 d)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Dissaifer edited Steps To Reproduce on T78654: setHit and setHitPointDamage doesn't work for Civilian SUVs.
May 10 2016, 8:56 AM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T75063: Game crash.

I haven't had crash in a while so it can just be closed.

May 10 2016, 7:26 AM · Arma 3
Dissaifer edited Steps To Reproduce on T75063: Game crash.
May 10 2016, 7:26 AM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T73652: Random crashes to desktop.

Just had the same crash... same error

May 10 2016, 6:48 AM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T64427: Falling animation needed.

My suggestion for this is to make a single animation for a fall which is a typical legs together fall - arms gradually go up to the sides. (as most falls are from the user falling off something). The next part of the animation will be determined on what they land on - if water, the animation can transition into the water swimming. If land there will need to be the animation of landing on the two feet, going down into a low squat (forced from gravity) then from that a standing transition to the normal stance.

May 10 2016, 1:24 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Dissaifer edited Steps To Reproduce on T62065: Suggested Feature:Escape from Sniper Sit and Low (sideways prone).
May 9 2016, 11:44 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61749: Smoke from Grenades goes through walls.//Light from flashlight goes through walls..

I would accept a collision with the wall remove the particle. While it would take the initial check to see if it was it, it would remove the particle from memory.

Edit: Or they could just stop the velocity of the particle and remove the check and make the particle slightly bigger. Obviously, there would need to be some testing to find the best solution.

May 9 2016, 11:20 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer edited Steps To Reproduce on T61629: Scripting Error box has no detail.
May 9 2016, 11:15 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer edited Steps To Reproduce on T61627: Setting Lightning to 100% produces no effect.
May 9 2016, 11:15 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61371: Minecraft-like rain box.

Yeah, this is going to be hard to get around. They are using a cylinder with a rain effect around the helicopter. They do the same with infantry but you don't notice as much because they guy is so close to the ground.

May 9 2016, 11:03 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61309: Decreased game performance within the .40 gun armoredcar.

There are three of these, please close two.

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61158: Cant run and shoot in the same time..

If this is about 3rd person view there is an issue that needs to be addressed. You can tac move and shoot in first, but in 3rd it stops you.

May 9 2016, 10:52 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61098: Character locked in motion..

Confirmed. Also, the running animation breaks into a one armed T-1000 run.

May 9 2016, 10:50 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T61059: Call of Duty.

Didn't vote, but this probably won't happen. If you'd like it to happen, please feel free to learn sqf and code it up.

May 9 2016, 10:40 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T60771: Smoke affected indoor.

Smoke travels through walls/objects. It's a little odd to see.

May 9 2016, 9:57 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T59933: smoke grenades produce smoke under water.

This is a duplicate of 0001010 as well

May 9 2016, 7:19 PM · Arma 3
Dissaifer added a comment to T59337: My first impressions.

Please close this as there is no direct issue. Head to the BI forum to post your opinions.

May 9 2016, 6:52 PM · Arma 3