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- User Since
- Jun 2 2015, 8:30 PM (511 w, 4 d)
Sep 11 2020
Feb 4 2020
Hi Geez. I was talking to Adam on his live stream today about this and he said it could be viable to add a small amount of loot spawn points in these buildings if the loot was valuable enough, as looting for something like clothes wouldn't be worth creating the spawn points for buildings this big.
Oct 3 2019
Adding Large Tenement to this ticket as not mentioned in the original OP.
Jun 8 2019
May 21 2019
May 15 2019
Thank you team for at the very least reverting the fixed camera during committed melee strikes. I guess the ticket could be closed but I think it might be good to keep it open for a bit if any additional feedback/suggestions regarding melee could be added to the ticket? I've edited the title slightly to possibly reflect this.
May 11 2019
Mar 26 2019
Adding note: M1NDR was able to one shot a zombie but mostly at other times he couldn't. Does the melee need to hit the back of their head? It should probably allow center mass hits but maybe require a charge attack?
Dec 18 2018
Video showing what may cause hit registration issues. It seems like if a target is behind an object, regardless of height, may cause line of sight issue for the bullet to not register.
Dec 12 2018
Nov 22 2018
Nov 8 2018
Attached screenshot of the particular building in question
Sep 10 2018
Sep 7 2018
Sep 5 2018
Sep 4 2018
Aug 22 2018
May 2 2018
Hi Geez
Hi Geez
Apr 27 2018
May 11 2016
@ VaTiS: Resolved with the EXP update made a couple of days ago to address Windows 7 users. I re-ran experimental after the update and battle eye updated fine and launched the game.
This issue has been resolved for me.
Same problem for me.
Windows 7 Home Premium, I7-4790k, GTX 980 TI, 16GB RAM
Originally happened on latest nVidia Drivers 359.00 but rolled back to previous version 358.91 but still unable to launch DayZ.
Game says running in Steam. When entering Task Manager, DayZ32.exe process cannot be ended. Battleye.exe can however.
When this issue occurs, computer performance degrades and cannot fully shutdown computer - requires Hard Reboot.
Edit: FYI I do not have Avast anti-virus installed (only Windows Security Essentials) and this error still occurs. Disabled all anti-virus and ran both .exe files as Windows XP compatability mode and still not working.