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Dec 18 2013, 2:46 PM (585 w, 1 d)

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May 10 2016

Be4st added a comment to T91689: I cant read books or look at maps or chamber bullets into guns without mags.
  1. Drag book to hotbar and press appropriate key.
  2. Do the same for the map.
  3. Feature hasn't been added for these weapons yet.
  4. You need to find the 'M4 Handguard RIS' before you can attach the Weapon Flashlight.
  5. It took me 30 seconds to Google this
May 10 2016, 6:16 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T91671: Sniping outside elektro, then randomly see my character fly 50 feet into the middle of ocean, can't respawn, no land in sight.

Happened to a buddy of mine. It WAS a hacker that teleported him also. I guess some 12 year old got a tad miffed about you sitting there

May 10 2016, 6:15 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T91629: Too dark at night.

I live in an unpopulated area and see just fine at night once my eyes get adjusted. It can take 10 - 20 minutes but I must agree with the OP. Both the mod and SA are way to dark at night. They should implement a feature where your eyes adjust over time and it gets a little easier to see.

May 10 2016, 6:14 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T91342: dayz standalone not giving me a clear screen.

You need to adjust your graphic settings. I see no problem. That's how mine looked until i went into the settings and made everything sharp again

May 10 2016, 6:03 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T90395: loot spawns are few, and far between.

@sabre05 Did Rocket change his mind then? Because the last I knew about this, there were going to be no re-spawns of zombies and loot. He said this in a Dev Blog ages ago. The server was to spawn everything it needed on restart and people had to scavenge. If the server ran out of loot and zeds, then it ran out of loot and zeds.

May 10 2016, 5:31 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T90395: loot spawns are few, and far between.

If you want loot spawns to be plentiful and boring, go play the mod. Learn to scavenge in land and play the game it was meant to played. Or just do what every other tool does and server hop to find the best loot

May 10 2016, 5:31 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T90391: Unable to pick up items on top of the lockers in fire stations..

I have noticed this too. Also, the loot that spawns under the chairs in the office/school is impossible to loot.

May 10 2016, 5:31 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T90375: I can run forever, never need to drink/eat..

Happened to a buddy of mine. He said he survived the database wipe and since then, he no longer needs to drink/eat and has the stamina of a porn star

May 10 2016, 5:30 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T90346: Spawn protection needed.

Then don't log out in a city. Move to safety before you log.

May 10 2016, 5:29 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T88728: Server hopping..

Yup, I have done this also even though I am against such activity. Takes the whole survival thing out the game when my character can just 'Slide' to an alternate reality to get his loots lol

May 10 2016, 4:32 PM · DayZ
Be4st set Category to category:aibehavior on T88604: Animals are client side.
May 10 2016, 4:27 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T88542: Exploit with Handcuffs.

Thats not an exploit. Ever watched any Jet Li movies?... lol

May 10 2016, 4:25 PM · DayZ
Be4st set Category to category:multiplayer on T88328: Cannot bandage friends.
May 10 2016, 4:16 PM · DayZ
Be4st edited Steps To Reproduce on T88326: Adjusting clouds either way give you ghetto NV Goggles.
May 10 2016, 4:16 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T88322: Running animation cancelled when changing items using the Action Bar.

This also happens from the inventory window while running. I think its an item swap in general that stops you

May 10 2016, 4:16 PM · DayZ
Be4st edited Steps To Reproduce on T87687: If someone dies when reloading, sound loops until restart.
May 10 2016, 3:49 PM · DayZ
Be4st added a comment to T86958: Please bring back map shift-click location feature.

No no no no NO!! If they start to dumb down the game for the little kids and put this back in, I will ask for a refund and go play the mod instead.

May 10 2016, 3:10 PM · DayZ