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- Jun 16 2013, 5:08 PM (614 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
I don't have installed the test branch at the moment, so I ask you, have you tried the startparameter "-maxMem=3072"? If it is not working maybe you could open a ticket with the request that this patch is deactivated until the problem is resolved, but can be activated with the "-maxMem" parameter.
Problem also exists in not armoured vehicles, and is indeed very annoying
Yes, you are right with that.
But in real you could say to your buddy on the backseat "Please put a rocket in my backpack", while you driving.
Or you could grab a ammo clip which is placed on the co-driver's seat, or you could grab a gun from the glove compartment.
But I think it would go to far if you simulate such details, and so you have to made compromises.
And i personaly would prefere the compromise that everyone can access the inventory at any time over no one can, and normaly you also can not access the inventory from the backseat either, only if you are the first which get in the vehicle as driver and than you have to switch from the drivers seat to the backseat.
I think you are not speaking for the most of the people, which are playing arma, when you are saying "if someone doesn't like realismus, where it is destroying the fun in the game, he should not play arma".
And even if the revive script is not from BIS, it shows anyhow that much people are not thinking like you.
@stonestriker&AD2011 if you want all things super realistic, why you dont make a ticket with the title "You should have to put your backpack in the Inventory of a vehicle, before you can enter the drivers seat"
Or "If you have a backback on your back, it should not be possible for someone to sit on the backseat of a quadbike"
To much realism is killing the fun!
No this is bullshit, I don't like battlefield, so you are wrong with you "argurment".
Btw.: Much servers are offering reviving, what is highly unrealistic when you get shot from a tank, but the people like it anyhow.
1+ from me, because this is one thing which annoys me to.
Don't know why someone has downvoted this
yeah, I think parameters like "-cpucount=", "-maxmem", ... are more for the developers to test the behavior on several systems, without the need to change the actual hardware, and not to manually increase the performance.
Maybe he gave the downvote because he don't want that the people can't hear him spamming the side or globe channel by default ;)
1+ from me
Speaking of sliding doors
I think the inventory should be accessible from every position!
Such restrictions only annoys people.