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- User Since
- Mar 6 2013, 1:33 AM (623 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
May 9 2016
How is that trolling? This is exactly how COD and BF work where you just hit the grenade key and it throws a grenade a predetermined distance. Seems like the people complaining about people who bring up this issue are scared of challenge, God forbid they keep it the way ARMA has done it before were it requires some timing and skill to throw a grenade. This is suppose to be a combat simulator, yet I can't throw a grenade 5 feet infront of me, into a house because they took out the Hold-n-Throw style, now I have to throw the grenade as hard as I can so it hits the wall behind it? This isn't a forum to talk trash at people play testing the game, take that crap to the forums and off feedback tracker.
You should also note that it is raining in the first picture. A test server I been playing on turned the weather effects up to max so it was essentially a tsunami. even during the early morning or early night, the rain effect was so dense you couldn't see more then a foot infront of you, combined with the dark yeah it would be just black. The issue is with the rain effect.
Its the same thing that was in ARMA 2, you need to re-zoom in when you go to your optics. Still I would like an option that when I switch to red dot its already zoomed in as an optional setting.
If you pick it up off another player in Multiplayer and wear it, your torso will appear and disappear, while the bag shows up on the ground because its not sure where to put the pack.