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User Since
Dec 22 2013, 7:41 AM (585 w, 22 h)

Recent Activity

May 10 2016

Ailfawka added a comment to T89505: "you are already using something".

confirmed - from what I have seen so far it seems to occur at times when trying to engage with another item in the world shortly after picking up a previous one?

May 10 2016, 4:59 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T88072: Night is unplayable.

night feels normal?

May 10 2016, 4:05 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T87597: Zombie A.I Walks though walls.

yes confirmed, the zombies are very ignorant to Objects.

May 10 2016, 3:44 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T87202: Night time can be easily cheated away with gamma/brightness sliders for night vision.


May 10 2016, 3:22 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T87193: HIT DETECTION.

lol its a bit of a dance trying to get single zombie down...20 hits sometimes allot more per zombie with most of the melee weapons.

May 10 2016, 3:20 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T86833: Hunger/Thirst/Stamina Rate Too High [PRIMARY REPORT].

surviving was never meant to be easy...with that said there might be a few bugs about the place in relation to how the effect should take hold and the effect reduction that should take place when remedying the problem causing said effect.

hope I make sense. I for one do not want it to be easier to survive but the system does need to be ironed out. This is Alpha though and it is our job to report such inconsistencies and help make the good enough for a retail release.

May 10 2016, 2:53 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T86719: Flashlights goes through wall [PRIMARY REPORT].


May 10 2016, 2:35 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T86615: You Are Unconcious... Forever [PRIMARY REPORT].


May 10 2016, 2:04 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T86579: Random Zombie Sounds [PRIMARY REPORT].

i had what I called the underground zombie, following me around everywhere...when I ran away it shortly became faint and if I stopped for long enough it caught up to me again....behOLD the underground ZOMBIE! lol

you could at times also here it making attacking noises lol

May 10 2016, 1:57 PM · DayZ
Ailfawka added a comment to T86495: Zeds clipping through objects [PRIMARY REPORT].

yeah there is absolutely nothing they can not run through and or float up on and through. super zombies </3

May 10 2016, 1:15 PM · DayZ