Mission included. You have an enemy in front of you who will not kill you due to a module I put in for the purposes of testing. You see two arrows in front of you, a red one and a blue one. You are blue already and he is opfor (red) so he is your enemy which you will see if you hit tilda ~ and point at him. He is a red name enemy. If you run through the red arrow and wait a second and look around and then tilda on him and wait you will see he is a green friendly now. Ok, so you run to the blue one and he becomes a red enemy. Now run back to the red one and hes still an enemy.
Same behind you theres a red orb. Walk into it and it sets the time + 12 hours. Run into it again and it does nothing.
Yet this should work. I can do this technique with one for hiding a group of AI and one for unhiding them and I can go back and forth all day and they hide and show, hide and show.. This clearly is a bug.