Absolutely up-voted. The social issues are social issues, the political issues are political issues, the equality issues are equality issues... and none of them are issues with the feature itself. Is the implementation unfeasible in some way? Would it cause the game to crash? Is there any pressing reason, solely in terms of gameplay mechanics, that it shouldn't be there?
This request is solely about whether the feature needs to be there, and given that 20% of the BLUFOR combat force is being unrepresented, I would say that is proof positive that female soldiers need to be there regardless of whether they're front-line or not.
Even just a *head* model would be sufficient, since in general soldiers are wearing LBVs, armour, and full kit, at which point the only thing that distinguishes women from men is the face and the voice. The articles mentioned towards the top of the comments thread here describe the turret gunner women, who are passed off by observers as "just another soldier" until they actually speak. While this doesn't answer the 'underwear' problem, I'd like to think (although am mostly being proven wrong) that as a species we've matured enough to accept that as a non-issue.
Besides, as a huge fan of Gunny Sgt Babcock in the Honor Harrington series, I couldn't possibly disagree with women in combat roles. ;-)
One thing that would completely temper this debate and render it into a non-issue: allowing clients to enable a "Male soldiers only" checkbox in the options, so that whenever a female soldier appears on *their* end, it looks male, but anyone who wants to see female soldiers can leave the box unchecked and they see everyone as they are. The only people who lose here are those who need to assert themselves as female to others instead of simply identifying with themselves as female.