I have had this issue happen to me many times, in many different buildings. Does not happen when dropping a gun outside.
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May 11 2016
Forgot to mention the server was DayZ UK 2-15.
Same thing happened to my group. We had four tents and after 5 days they disappeared. They were definitely not raided, as we had other items on the floor hidden near by and they were all gone too.
May 10 2016
I have figured out a work around that fixes this issue, if you change to Windowed mode. I have not had any random crashes since.
This is however not a fix for the issue, as I don't wan't to always have to play in windowed mode.
Please leave open till it is properly fixed :)
I just tested on experimental 47.124594, and randomly crashed exactly like 46.124490. Was able to play for around 5 minutes. Pretty please try and fix this for next experimental or stable patch.
I have uploaded new crash dumps and dxdiag.
I dunno if it is any help but I play mostly at the NWAF.
I was able to fix this problem by using windowed mode. I am not 100% sure it was what fixed the game as I did a couple of other things to my pc.
I installed new sound drivers, reinstalled headphone software (and moved it to another USB port), turned off AA in game.
Good luck, hope this helps!
I am also experiencing this issue with random crashes every couple of minutes. It seems to be worse yesterday and today.
Had another crash which was different, not sure if it is the same issue or not. Had exited a server and was idle on the server screen, not sure how long for as I was afk, and when I came back the game had crashed back to desktop.
The crash dump file for this is here:
Crashed a further two times, first was about 5 minutes after I joined a low population server and was standing still. Second was on a full server while playing with a friend.
Uploaded another crash dump with my dxdiag.