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Random crashing randomly while playing
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game crashes back to desktop randomly while playing. Sometimes I will crash after 2 minutes and other times I will crash after 30 minutes. I have crashed in this way around 50+ times.

I don't think it is connected with the missing file error messages in this version, as I am the only one to crash out of my whole clan.


Legacy ID
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Startup dayz version 0.46.124490
  2. Join a regular server (amount of people does not matter)
  3. Play for around 3-30 minutes,
  4. Observe game crashing back to the desktop.
Additional Information

I have reinstalled the game multiple times. Deleted my config, and created a new one. Also reinstalled Windows 8.1 and still receiving random crashes.

Event Timeline

astrochimp edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
astrochimp set Category to Game Crash.
astrochimp set Reproducibility to Random.
astrochimp set Severity to None.
astrochimp set Resolution to Fixed.
astrochimp set Legacy ID to 1838613405.May 8 2016, 7:09 PM
Konshu added a subscriber: Konshu.May 8 2016, 7:09 PM

I can confirm the same issue, brand new OS install,attached my files as requested as a cross reference.

Oddly enough I had the EXACT same issue in Arma 3 and I worked around that by only playing in window borderless for now.

I dunno if it is any help but I play mostly at the NWAF.

I just tested on experimental 47.124594, and randomly crashed exactly like 46.124490. Was able to play for around 5 minutes. Pretty please try and fix this for next experimental or stable patch.

I have uploaded new crash dumps and dxdiag.


Kira added a subscriber: Kira.May 8 2016, 7:09 PM
Kira added a comment.Jul 25 2014, 3:53 PM


Thanks for the report and the files. We will look into this issue as soon as possible. Watch this issue for further updates and please keep testing the game.

Thank You!

I have figured out a work around that fixes this issue, if you change to Windowed mode. I have not had any random crashes since.

This is however not a fix for the issue, as I don't wan't to always have to play in windowed mode.

Please leave open till it is properly fixed :)

andy added a comment.Oct 1 2014, 3:47 PM

Hi astrochimp,
is this still an issue? If so, I am going to need you to upload a recent DxDiag and also contents of your AppData folder again (after you have reproduced the crash once more).

andy added a comment.Oct 22 2014, 4:03 PM

We believe this has been fixed - please submit a new ticket if the issue prevails.