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May 10 2016

RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69156: M320 bullets passes through target and doesn't do damage @ 2100m.

"1- do not triple post"
ofc not: when attaching sqm-file instead of zip and getting error message it posts anyway. Hence the triple post.

"2- anti material rifles max range is about 2 000 m"
No, M320 zeros up to 2500m. Here bullets hit clearly behind target.

"3- try shoting more times (a full mag) and make sure EVERY bullet hit him (make a perfect zeroing"

I did. Maybe you actually try it.

May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T69156: M320 bullets passes through target and doesn't do damage @ 2100m.
May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69155: M320 bullets doesn't do damage @ 2100m.

copy, delete plz

May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T69155: M320 bullets doesn't do damage @ 2100m.
May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T69154: M320 bullets doesn't do damage @ 2100m.
May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69154: M320 bullets doesn't do damage @ 2100m.

copy, delete plz

May 10 2016, 4:25 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69080: AH-99 Blackfoot issues and improvements.

sorry, I shall leave it as it is now.

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69080: AH-99 Blackfoot issues and improvements.

(it was small corrections and typos).

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69080: AH-99 Blackfoot issues and improvements.

"About the snap turns:

They're possible in an odd and probably unexpected way, you have to lean with the helicopter at 90 degrees to the left for example and then quickly turn on auto-hover. It turns you around about 90 degrees and AFAIK it's only possible with the Comanche."

hmm, I really can't reproduce that, when I tilt and turn on auto-hover and tries to turn the chopper fast comes to a hold.
In anyway it is not the way the Comanche is supposed to do snap turns and sideways flying: it should be done simply with the pedals controls up to the speeds mentioned above.

"Are stealth arguments even valid, are radars fully simulated to warrant manual landing gear? Id like manual landing gear to be an option, but for simple reason of having more control over the aircraft, rather than (probably)in game none-existent stealth issues. Any info on how these will work?"

I guess the stealth arguments aren't valid, but it just looks so stupid when the you sneak around at low altitude and speed and the landing pops out :) and maybe they will make it valid :O radar simulation is very crude, in the old game 'Comanche 4' it was simulated very fine, where both landing gear and the stub wings would increase radar cross section and firing the gun would increases IR signature thus compromising stealth.

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T69080: AH-99 Blackfoot issues and improvements.

about the landing gear:

May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T69080: AH-99 Blackfoot issues and improvements.
May 10 2016, 4:19 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T68995: bullet impact effects are too fast and minor.

Realistic dust: combat dust and bullet impact dust in Syria:

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T68995: bullet impact effects are too fast and minor.

Yes! my point exactly :)

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T68995: bullet impact effects are too fast and minor.

especially for small caliber bullets...

May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T68995: bullet impact effects are too fast and minor.
May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T68994: miniguns have slow rate of fire.
May 10 2016, 4:15 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T66144: vehicles/units warp when far from observer.

1] multiplayer
2] i7 3820, 16Gb ram, gtx570,
4] from maybe 1.2 kilometers and up
5] any position
6] no mods
7] online on a Wasteland server, Stratis Island ofc.

this (multiplayer) bug is ported from earlier arma 2 versions and it's not a minor CTI it's then impossible to engage from "long" ranges when target positions are not updated properly.

May 10 2016, 2:29 AM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk edited Steps To Reproduce on T66144: vehicles/units warp when far from observer.
May 10 2016, 2:29 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

RubberGruntdk added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@ A3 BETA on [email protected], 16GB RAM, gtx 670 2048Mb, win7 64-bit:

With 7000m view distance and viewing the empty island in the editor in a chopper from the runway fps drops below 20, more like 15, and this is on a high-end system.

I don't know what limits what, but there is a relationship between game client (cpu) fps and gpu fps that is FUNDAMENTALLY flawed in the evolution of this game engine:

  • Maybe cpu (fps) limts gpu fps, I think: Scene complexity seems to determine gpu fps since scene complexity is cpu dependent? What adds to scene complexity is multi player games and ai units, also it seems that the scene complexity in mp doesn't even has to be in direct player view but just in the vicinity...

In A2OA mp it helps to restart the game and rejoin the server for full fps and this fps number then degrade over time until a new restart/rejoin is needed, and this is not due to the evolving complexity of the mp mission, since it's possible to get good fps in a late mp game with many units. This degrading fps problem is still not solved in A2OA, and may be ported to A3 as well.

May 9 2016, 5:28 PM · Arma 3
RubberGruntdk added a comment to T59083: Low CPU/GPU Utilization.

@jddunlap: I have giving this topic a lot of attention with regards to settings and params:

I get around 30 fps when looking S in a chopper from the airfield and 15 fps when looking to my left against the island at an altitude of 50m, view distance is 7000m, so is object drawing distance. other settings are ultra or high, AA is x2 and v-sync is off.

my start params is:
-nosplash -noPause -world=empty -skipintro -malloc=system -maxMem=16384 -maxvram=2048 -cpucount=4 -exthreads=7 -high

EDIT: I found out that it was the object drawing distance that caused my low fps: lowering that to 2000m gives me 45 fps or more instead of 15. I was keeping that high object drawing distance for realism and better look...I might have to keep it lower then. Flying around the island at low altitude fps is around 30-45 which is ok, but this on an empty island...

May 9 2016, 5:27 PM · Arma 3