i think that was here
it was dark... :P
yes still there and normal restart timers.
when they did no change in the last days, i have a big camp for weeks in debug zone.
2 weeks later.
nothing is missing
since .58 i got session lost and no message received errors without connection problems.
every time i got the problems i still can speak with friends in teamspeak.
when i got no message received, my friends can continue, i have to restart dayz, because i cant see any server.
when i got the session lost, my friend told my "signature_timed out" for many players on this server and i cant continue on this server. when i try to join i see "please wait" for more then 5 minutes then i can run for 5 seconds and again "session lost"
every other server runs fine and normal for me.
yeah, the size of many items are wrong. look at the truck batterie, it can fit in smaler objects like the ammobox or child-briefcases.
the truck tires has to put in the 2x free slots for tires behind the player-seats.
i hope the ongoing inventory-system will change this.
map-marker on a map without a GPS? noooooo
what did you mean with "reset the server"? there is a bug with player camps and a hotfix is on the way.
and there are more open issues with flying objects in my account.
this issue https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=27425 has other hayballs
maybe the same
you did not read changelogs? its the paper of the box and not new.
trust me, 0.59 is not out yet!
when you read the changelogs you will find this as "known issue"
Door States are currently experiencing issues. In these situations, sometimes players can hear the sounds of doors opening/closing that might not actually be being interacted with.
you mean that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ4cbnVuGFg
can confirm, can be watched on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ4cbnVuGFg
there are some older status reports with information about loot. the camo_jail has no more loot and military wreckage cars have no more loot.
add this to duplicated and close it geez https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=27428
do you mean this? http://www.izurvive.com/#c=83;82;6
in 0.58 its spawning
what helmet?
fire helmet?
pilot helmet?
when you use binoculars you can see the same effect, you can see the head thru your helmet for a second.
i did that yesterday with a friend again, he and me had a damaged gorka helmet. mine was repaired to worn after a single punch. his helmet gone to badly and then to ruined after 2 punches and he was unconscious :P
then you have to report that with pictures and locations. i already reported ca30 haibals ca10 trash bins ca3 log piles maybe more and there are many more other structures left like trash bins in building fences in buildings or bushes in buildings.
strange, that my issue is still "new" i had newer and older issues and all are acknowledged...
waiting for Geez to look into
you mean this?
it was told that there will be no more loot. pls follow the status reports.
and that was my second try but it started to rain ;)
its already reported