I got a few messages from people running my mods and running into the issue, that adding y mods would cause a compile error, which only happens when certain other mods are loaded.
From my experiments, I found the cause for the error and it seems to be an engine bug
The problem is, that when having a function taking a Class as input and have other methods overloading it, you might trigger the error when calling the method with an instance of a class, which has been Modded around 150 times and sometimes even less. (It also only seems to affect classes from the vanialla scripts and no classes added via new scripts)
When using the script below, you will receive the following error when trying to start the Server with the scripts loaded:
--------------------------------------------- Log C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\profiles\script_2023-11-09_16-45-33.log started at 09.11. 16:45:34 SCRIPT : Registered 299 temporary action enum(s), UAN==299 SCRIPT (E): @"BreakingScriptCollection/Scripts/3_Game/cause.c,11": Can't find matching overload for function 'PrintMe' SCRIPT (E): @"BreakingScriptCollection/Scripts/3_Game/cause.c,17": Can't find matching overload for function 'PrintMe' SCRIPT (W): @"BreakingScriptCollection/Scripts/3_Game/cause.c,34": No need to use 'Cast' for up-casting SCRIPT (E): Can't compile "Game" script module! BreakingScriptCollection/Scripts/3_Game/cause.c(11): Can't find matching overload for function 'PrintMe' SCRIPT (E): Failed to load game scripts!