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1.21 EXP - Trees spawned in via Object Spawner referencing the p3d file path have increased height difference from json file (floating)
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I have been testing the Object Spawner on my PC's local 1.21 experimental server. in particular, I was spawning in trees by referencing the p3d path (DZ/plants.........).
It seems that there is a difference in the height that gets used from the pos in the json file and the object spawned in. This seems to only happen with trees, or at least that's all I have found.
I have compared this with 3 test trees;
-One being spawned in via init.c (SpawnObject method),
-the second being spawned in via the object spawner but calling the 'bldr_plnt' version of the tree/object,
-the third spawned in the same file as the second, the exact same height pos but a few meters away from each other and referencing the p3d file path for the same tree object.
The first 2 trees spawn in as expected, but the 3rd tree spawned in by referencing the p3d file path is floating in the air.

As you might be able to see from the pics the third tree that is floating has a height pos of 150. but in the json file the height pos is only 145


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Load up the following json file for the object spawner, on a 1.21 server.
  2. Also spawn in the test tree via init.c
  3. Observe the different heights of trees despite the same height in the json and init.c file
Additional Information

Using 1.21 expimental local sevrer
using mods, builderitems, vppadmintools, and cftools

Event Timeline

DonSibleyGames renamed this task from Trees spawned in via Object Spawner referenceing the p3d file path have increased height difference from json file (floating) to 1.21 EXP - Trees spawned in via Object Spawner referenceing the p3d file path have increased height difference from json file (floating).Apr 25 2023, 1:51 PM
DonSibleyGames renamed this task from 1.21 EXP - Trees spawned in via Object Spawner referenceing the p3d file path have increased height difference from json file (floating) to 1.21 EXP - Trees spawned in via Object Spawner referencing the p3d file path have increased height difference from json file (floating).

The issue seems to lie internally with how GetGame().CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D functions. There seems to be a difference in how the position coordinates are processed in comparison to normal GetGame().CreateObjectEx() functioniality. After looking into the ObjectSpawnerHandler script level class, there is nothing done to the input of position coordinates and or the orientation data that would result unexpected behavior with placement.

The issue seems to lie internally with how GetGame().CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D functions. There seems to be a difference in how the position coordinates are processed in comparison to normal GetGame().CreateObjectEx() functioniality. After looking into the ObjectSpawnerHandler script level class, there is nothing done to the input of position coordinates and or the orientation data that would result unexpected behavior with placement.

This would suggest that it's not limited to trees, but all p3d's referenced through the object spawner

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Apr 26 2023, 3:05 PM
sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Apr 28 2023, 2:33 PM

I'm having this issue placing monolith rocks. just tried to place a bunch south of Krona castle and they all appear to be about 6 meters too high.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.May 3 2023, 11:38 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello DonSibleyGames.

There is no issue on our side. You are spawning objects by using its class name "bldr_*" (Builderitems mod). You use coordinates, which will be automatically adjusted by CE, so the objects will be spawned directly on ground level. So your position is "pos": [12246.400391,145.078003, 12464.900391], ground level is 140 (player position), you spawn it 5 meters above, but in fact it is on the ground. When you use the same coordinates for Objects spawner, the tree will be spawned exactly on those coordinates, that you have set in json file - 145m, thats why it is in the air.

Hi Geez,

So is the height (Y) coordinate not required for spawning these p3d structures via the Object Spawner in that case?

im not sure I'm understanding. I must be missing something. here is another pic with all trees set to 150 for height, 5 more meters higher, the first 2 are as expected, but not the third. shouldn't the height we specify be exactly where the object goes? If I set the height to 0 it goes under the map.

I have been following along and was instructed by Senior Dab to share this

@Geez why is this closed, there is still an issue present here.

I've been struggling with laying out monolith rocks being placed many meters higher than they are within DayZ editor.
I spent many hours over the past 2 days attempting to design a cliff face to have all my objects at a height I did not specify. I'll post a comparison later but they are not the same at all.

It's as if the tools we have and the tools you're using are referencing different points on the objects were spawning.

Geez reopened this task as Reviewed.May 4 2023, 9:58 AM

Hello everyone.
We will double check again but during our initial testing we did not find any issues

Geez added a comment.May 4 2023, 2:49 PM

Hello again.
We are not planning to change the current system, however, we would like to try to add a new function which will tell you the offset for one of the future updates.

So basically we are not going to be able to use these new p3d objects with 1.21?

Geez added a comment.EditedMay 4 2023, 5:20 PM

So basically we are not going to be able to use these new p3d objects with 1.21?

We aim to include the new function for the stable. It will most likely appear in the third experimental update.

So basically we are not going to be able to use these new p3d objects with 1.21?

We aim to include the new function for the stable. It will most likely appear in the third experimental update.

We're looking forward to it.

I know buildings are not supported via the official object spawner, but was using it as a test bed. I'm only using vanilla types and models. But it seems like any P3D not using autocenter 0 seems to have an offset when spawning with CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D. I've created a simple test to prove the difference. Attached is code an the local watched variables for the object transformations. The typed object stays true to the original position, while the P3D only one does not. It also seems like you're unable to move the P3D static object after it's been created either through SetTransform or SetPosition.

Any P3D that has autocenter 0 flawlessly spawns the static P3D at the expected position. @TrueDolphin can back up this claim.

class Wardog
    static Object TypedObject;
    static Object RawObject;

    static vector ConstantPos = "4472.96 339 10212.9";
    static string ConstantType = "Land_Village_HealthCare";
    static string ConstantP3d = "dz/structures/residential/medical/village_healthcare.p3d";

    static void SpawnTest()
        if (TypedObject)

        if (RawObject)

        TypedObject = GetGame().CreateObjectEx(ConstantType, ConstantPos, ECE_SETUP | ECE_CREATEPHYSICS | ECE_NOLIFETIME | ECE_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENCY);
        RawObject = GetGame().CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D(ConstantP3d, ConstantPos, vector.Zero);

        vector matTyped[4];

        vector matRaw[4];


geometry missing / binarize ignored property autocenter with value of 0.

example of working model:

- "P:\DZ\structures\furniture\Tables\table_drawer\table_drawer.p3d"

example of not working model:

- "P:\DZ\structures\residential\Medical\Village_HealthCare.p3d"

tested with custom models adding the property working as expected, and removed causing the issue to present itself again.

with the bottom 02script and powershell code it could be fixed internally with some folder selection to not break things not actually wanted to be placed on maps inheritly.

but I'd assume its currently named in such a way that binarizing strips the property so when it's accessible for people to use externally, the value is missing.
if it was to be pushed, there would need to be some kind of coordination/prior warning for map makers to prepare to push an update.

another option would be, add a function that gives the coords of the p3d "0 0 0" location regardless of properties/boundingbox selections added for a quick calculation/placement. "like, Object::GetModelOrigin();"

usecase example:

this.SetPosition(GetGame().ObjectModelToWorld(this, GetModelOrigin()));
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -include *.p3d
foreach ($file in $files){
start-sleep -s 1.0
write-host $file
& "D:\DayZ Tools\Bin\ObjectBuilder\O2Script.exe" -a "D:\DayZ Tools\Bin\ObjectBuilder\O2Scripts\PropertyAdd.bio2s" $file autocenter 0

similarly, could also be fixed with the following powershell code and o2script run in the DZ folder to not have to worry about breaking anything.
gives people the option to spawn, check memory point "Origin" position then adjust as needed for any p3d.

$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -include *.p3d
foreach ($file in $files){
write-host $file
& "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZ Tools\Bin\ObjectBuilder\O2Script.exe" -a "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZ Tools\Bin\ObjectBuilder\O2Scripts\AddMemoryPoint.bio2s" $file

@Geez is there any update to when this will be fixed given the above information provided by @TrueDolphin & @OfficialWardog as this issue is causing quite an issue for map development? I've personally tested this with multiple p3d objects on both console & PC and get the same results on both the current game build and the current experimental build, I apologize for the mentions my reasoning being this was last addressed to my knowledge in May 3 months ago and myself personally and maybe other feel in the dark with the current status of this issue.

Geez added a comment.Aug 28 2023, 1:52 PM

@Geez is there any update to when this will be fixed given the above information provided by @TrueDolphin & @OfficialWardog as this issue is causing quite an issue for map development? I've personally tested this with multiple p3d objects on both console & PC and get the same results on both the current game build and the current experimental build, I apologize for the mentions my reasoning being this was last addressed to my knowledge in May 3 months ago and myself personally and maybe other feel in the dark with the current status of this issue.

Hello GraceKelly,
If you mean p3d objects such as trees and rocks, the response is the same as is in your ticket in regards to this matter:
as for other objects, for example buildings, it is not supported for p3d spawning with CreateStaticObjectUsingP3D.