Jan 15 2025
Should already be fixed.
Jan 5 2025
Jan 2 2025
Dec 28 2024
Dec 21 2024
Dec 18 2024
Nov 7 2024
Sep 11 2024
Aug 22 2024
Jul 30 2024
I'd try to add/edit script fn_RC40.sqf
May 20 2024
Same problem as me, try reinstalling your Arma 3
May 12 2024
It would be even cooler to use the assets in a regular mission without either the DLC nor the compat mod - reason: modded servers these days is only for already established communities which are big enough to be able to afford the switch - or with high promotion.
The way these "few assets" were added in such a CDLC was quite a bad idea in the first place - as in contrast to all others it's just that: A few more assets for the vanilla game.
Don't get me wrong - I really like the stuff and yes, the devs deserve some money for it - but regular integration as a standard DLC like the Laws of War one would had been better.
May 3 2024
Apr 23 2024
The Mac port has been released today.
Apr 20 2024
I already tried it but it didn't work.
I'm not the one who has the responsibility, nor none of Rotators dudes have, but things I want to consider/make it sure:
- Restart Arma 3 and Arma 3 Launcher
- Restart Steam too
Apr 15 2024
Apr 12 2024
Give -mod=rf a try - that's the short it got as mod-id. Works on Linux - should work on Mac, too (as Mac is BSD - which is the other major descendant of unix).
Apr 10 2024
Apr 9 2024
This is probably an issue with desync on the server and not with the mission itself. Not sure if there is anything we can do without having a definitive repro.
This should be fixed now with v1.0.1.
This should be fixed now with v1.0.1.
Fixed with patch 1.0.1
Currently it's not available on the Mac, but it is being worked on. Sadly I have no ETA on the release date as of now.
Confirmed fixed in Reaction Forces 1.0.1
Apr 7 2024
So - you do ask for leaning out the window and for a 360?
No, I would like what I wrote about.
At this moment only in unarmed pickup you can stand up and shoot forward, and I would like the same for armed pickup and covered pickup with replaced cover by full frame. AFAIK, this can be easily done by updating configs.
So - you do ask for leaning out the window and for a 360? I guess THAT won't happen cause the engine isn't able to handle that - at least for now.
Yes, A3 makes use of skeleton based animations - so same as with "fanc dance moves" it sure possible to "bend" a units body in such a way it would look like someone hanging out the window of a car - but for that first the Offroader would require lower-able windows (otherwise it would break the immersion with no windows at all or leaning "thru" a closed window) which require modification of both the base Offroad as well as the new RF pickup and likely many other vehicles.
One also could argue: What about the non-covered infantry transports like the HEMTT Transport? Why are only the rear facing two spots able to shoot and not all the others?
Same as with my "expansion of the cargo/vehicle loading system" it's quite a lot to ask for - but on the other hand: This game already had 10 years and a lot of mods brought us such stuff (looking at ACE) which the base game just lacks. Why weren't such features implemented? Or will they in A4?
Looking at DayZ: It has base building and all that AltisLife RPG stuff built in - so it shouldn't be hard to port that over to A3 (as, as far as I know, DayZ still uses the RV engine but only the graphics part of the Enfusion).
In the end - we SHOULD expect a combination of A3, ACE and DayZ for A4 - I guess it boils down to: What can we ask from the base game and what will kept as mods?
I would love to use RF the same way as the additional assets from Laws of War - but either I don't or I have to rely on people use the Launcher to connect to my server - and when you start with that you can throw ACE and TFAR into the mix.
I hope all that mod stuff gets sorted out in A4 so they can be loaded at run time instead of having to relaunch the game for every server and rely on the launcher.
Agree. Looks like I confused general pickup with covered one with full frame.
Some poeple tho ...
Anyway - what OP is askin for already works:
I doubt this will happen: The base model has six spots: two in the front cabin, two at the rear hatch - and two in the middle. With the original Offroader the middle spots can be used to fire forward while the rear two spots are designed to fire backwards. The new RF variants have just replaced the middle two spots from exterior with interior - likely without touching the two rear spots at all.
If at all a classic leaning out the window would be the way to go. Also: There has to be some balancing: Allowing the RF variant a full 360 from the rear positions would raise the question: What's the point of it then? Just carry two more infantry bt they can't shoot? If you want that extra firepower use a standard Offroad then. It's a balancing tradeof.
I think the weapon is the 20mm nose gun of the RAI-360M, and the issue is that the name text is excessively long for the display.
Understood. Thanks for the explanation.
But maybe it makes sense to recreate preview picture for pickup with fuel tank since it's so different from the general pickup?