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[Please Close this ticket] Vehicle dismount desync after Self Destruct RC-40 HE
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In (dedicated) Multiplayer.
If you perform a self-destruct by left-clicking on the RC-40HE and then get in the vehicle and try to get out, the person who performed the self-destruct will be able to get out, but from the perspective of others it will appear as if they have not gotten out.
This doesn't happen if RC40HE crash it into the ground.

For POLPOX (Japanese)


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
23H2 22631.3880
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Control RC40HE on a multiplayer server
  2. Left-click to self-destruct
  3. Get in a vehicle
  4. Try to get out of the vehicle
  5. Appear to others to still be in the vehicle
Additional Information

Not tested on host server
Not tested on single player
Tested only on Dedicated Server
No mods used

In latest build (2.18/RF 1.0.2) I can't repro it anymore maybe it's fixed somehow.

Event Timeline

This comment was removed by Apricot_ale.

I'd try to add/edit script fn_RC40.sqf

_boom setDamage 1;
_controller connectTerminalToUAV objNull; //newline
deleteVehicleCrew _uav; //newline
deleteVehicle _uav;

but doesn't fixed.

Apricot_ale changed Reproducibility from Always to Unable To Reproduce.Dec 18 2024, 6:47 PM
Apricot_ale edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Apricot_ale renamed this task from Vehicle dismount desync after Self Destruct RC-40 HE to [Please Close this ticket] Vehicle dismount desync after Self Destruct RC-40 HE .
Apricot_ale removed a subscriber: Apricot_ale.
Lexx2k closed this task as Resolved.Jan 15 2025, 5:26 PM
Lexx2k claimed this task.