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- User Since
- Jan 23 2014, 11:37 PM (580 w, 3 d)
Jul 10 2019
@Geez Not the best example but here is the "click" from TheRunningManZ stream today
Jul 1 2019
Jun 28 2019
Still present in 1.04.151979
Jun 25 2019
Looks like this is fixed in 1.04.151974
I'm not sure what the intended behavior is supposed to be but I think I found why using a container makes it safe to drink from a well.
Jun 24 2019
May 18 2019
@Lex I did search but this ticket system is horrid so didn't find anything related
May 17 2019
This is resolved in 1.03.151529
May 16 2019
Nov 9 2018
Aug 22 2018
This is still an issue years later in build 0.63.148115. Are there plans to fix this? The 1PP camera seems to be near the chin which leads to very restricted backwards view because you see your own body. Some of the drinking animations also then look like you're pouring the drink on top of your head because the camera is much too low.
Jun 20 2017
Jun 16 2017
Aug 18 2016
I've seen similar behavior on DayZUnderground. You write a note and it is blank. Sometimes what I wrote would end up on another note on the server. I haven't tested this extensively so not sure if that's a fluke or happens all the time.
Jun 16 2016
I think it's safe to close this
May 11 2016
I've had this happen a few times as well. The most recent was today when I switched to experimental branch (0.59.131121) on steam and logged in to what I assume was a new character.
You seem to have some anger issues, maybe seek counseling or talk to a friend? I merely pointed out this issue was already reported and answered by the dev team in another ticket. For the record, I didn't vote on your issue. Personal attacks against the devs or other reporters will only damage your credibility. I play primarily 1PP and understand your frustration with this change. However, the reality is the devs don't owe you a full explanation and you are less likely to get one by going on an emotional tirade in the feedback tracker.
I didn't notice any desync with 3 barrels full but only 2 people were on the server so probably means nothing
This is a known issue, see forum post here:
The audio may not move, but it does come from different "places" around you (at least initially) that are reversed from where they should be. At least that is the effect I observed in a couple cases. Here is a Twitch highlight from when I first noticed the problem.