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- User Since
- Jul 29 2016, 3:10 AM (451 w, 5 d)
Sep 23 2022
Sep 9 2021
Jun 29 2021
Feb 6 2020
Jan 30 2020
Jun 22 2019
having the same issue.
May 30 2019
May 24 2019
edit: i actually can use the headstrap NVG with the gas mask, but if i put a beanie on my head, it wont work.
May 22 2019
might have been it, but would the entire car get ruined? not only the radiator? also, the car got ruined in about five seconds after starting the engine
May 16 2019
Nov 8 2018
Cheers Geez, good work
Nov 6 2018
Yaay, my crash was fixed Geez, just out of curiosity, was this my issue?
No... i dont even know that, actually i tried closing most of the softwares in my pc to try and launch the game, no luck
Thanks Geez, good luck for us on that, i'm eager to test the latest build x)
does that mean you found the cause? Oo
it's gotta have something to do with some change in #53 update i suppose
No, actually, i blocked my system from updating, my windows can't update, because in one of the updates my ethernet driver got screwed up and my internet would lose connection constantly, couldn't find a way to fix it, had to rollback and block updates. You think that could cause the issue? A bit outdated version of windows 10. But answering your other question: Yes, i am certain that the issue started with the release of #53 update, i could play before that, and i can still play on experimental branch.
Nov 5 2018
i've created this topic on reddit and found some people that seems to have the same issue, also i said and tried some stuff that's in the topic:
Hey, i have tried deleting the Dayz Folder in Documents, no help, and also, no, -nocharmenu in launch parameters didn't solve it. And no, the only filed generated when the game crashes seems to be theses .RPT files, even if i launch "Dayz (with logs)" :/
Aug 27 2018
yeeah, but it should be a thing for everyone you know, not only about immersion but also makings things unnecessarily easy
Aug 24 2018
Aug 23 2018
Jun 16 2018
Jun 3 2018
also, there's a lot of inventory related bugs, that i think you are aware of, like having to drag item to your hands multiple times until it Works.
Jun 1 2018
May 28 2018
May 23 2018
May 20 2018
got to log in a server, dont know if its your doing but thanks.