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Change all character eye specular reflections to match Eva and Baty's
Reviewed, NormalPublic


Most of the characters in the game still use fake/static specular reflections for the eyes, instead of the much better looking technique used on the eyes of Eva and Baty female characters, i suggest that to be changed in order to provide consistency across all character eye reflections

example gif:

Unfortunately due to the fact that the eye model is part of the "personality" selection on the characters that still use the fake/static reflections, it makes me unable to have this feature to be modded properly


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

How i recommend this to be done:
Remove the eyeball model from the personality selection inside all head models .p3d's and assign the default.rvmat that is found in DZ\characters\heads\data\f_eva_2\ to the eyes of all characters.

Event Timeline

windstride updated the task description. (Show Details)
windstride updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 23 2022, 12:34 PM
windstride renamed this task from Change all character eye reflections to match Eva and Baty's to Change all character eye specular reflections to match Eva and Baty's.Sep 23 2022, 12:39 PM
windstride changed Reproducibility from Always to N/A.
windstride edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 23 2022, 12:45 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Sep 23 2022, 1:09 PM