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User Since
Mar 6 2015, 10:17 PM (524 w, 3 d)

Recent Activity

May 11 2016

vendetta set Category to category:featurerequest on T112081: Write on a peice of paper more than once.
May 11 2016, 6:13 AM · DayZ
vendetta set Category to category:weapons on T112025: Shotgun can't be sawed off anymore.
May 11 2016, 6:11 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T111877: Zombies can pass through closed door.

Confirming this as an issue, yet again.

May 11 2016, 6:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T111859: To many clothing items spawning on prison island.

No one gives a shit what you have to say Argaf. Ive seen you talking shit to several people on this site. I want you to know, that I know, you are a cunt.

May 11 2016, 6:06 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T111790: STILL NO RAIN - WTF?.

Feedback Rule #4: I don't give a shit what you think is proper feedback tracker procedure you worthless cunt. I was speaking to the dev's, not some nut less noob.

May 11 2016, 6:04 AM · DayZ
vendetta set Category to category:environment on T111790: STILL NO RAIN - WTF?.
May 11 2016, 6:04 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.

Where the fuck is the rain DEV's?!

May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.

Contrary to what Brian Hick's says, there was no rain in .57. If you mean there is rain in .58?

May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.


May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.


May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.

I cant find any reference to him talking about the rain. Anyone got a link or you know dev's want to get off their ass and comment?

May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.

I have joined several servers over 2 weeks and no rain in any of them. Its currently disabled.

May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110830: .56 EXP still no rain.

Seriously, wtf is the rain.

May 11 2016, 5:33 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

Played all weekend for hours, multiple servers, no rain.

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

I heard from someone else they saw rain too but I played all night on multiple servers and didn't get a drop. For the love of christ dev's please tell us what is going on.

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

Still nothing.

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

Put the rain back!

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

Confirmed, still no rain. I don't know what to say man, all kind of fucks up from the Dev's.

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110288: There is NO RAIN! NEVER!.

So just to provide info since apparently the DAYZ dev's cant be bothered to respond to your questions.

Rain was disabled because it was killing people with the new hunger/thirst/cold mechanics. They need to bring it back NOW and since they rolled back to .54 because of their .55 FUCKUP it might be back?

May 11 2016, 5:14 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110079: Loot is still broken, Food not spawning.

Gotcha, sarcasm meter is broken this week.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110079: Loot is still broken, Food not spawning.

I'm not sure they fixed loot spawning in the right area's. DayZ Reddit is still indicating guns are missing, military equipment is spawning in Civilian homes etc. That I can live with but there is still no food. People have been posting on the Dev twitter account but they are failing to understand the gravity of this situation and stick to their "oh, it just needs tweaking" bullshit.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110079: Loot is still broken, Food not spawning.

Yea just heard that from a ton of other users.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta set Category to category:inventory on T110079: Loot is still broken, Food not spawning.
May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T110079: Loot is still broken, Food not spawning.

This particular problem is ridiculous. You have known about it since day one of this shit patch yet it's still broken. Go put more food in the game, no one can even reach the fucking North for searching.

May 11 2016, 5:07 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109801: 25% player left.

Loot is still completely fucking broken. Dev's get back on this and put food back in the game, it has been a WEEK!

May 11 2016, 4:58 AM · DayZ
vendetta edited Steps To Reproduce on T109676: New Crosshair is terrible!.
May 11 2016, 4:54 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

Agreed and I can verify, shit is still not spawning correctly. Me think their "we rolled back" is complete bullshit and it was only a partial rollback.

Game has dropped like a rock on review sites and users are jumping ship.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

So I can see your point. That said, I think their roll back took too long. They were aware of the issues for over a week and they let the community suffer while they "tweaked" it which in the end, failed. I understand this is an Alpha and I understand there are going to be breaks and problems but a week responding to this level of problem was UNACCEPTABLE. If you are taking in 30.00 (Bohemia) for the game hiding behind "its an Alpha" only goes so far. This should have never been rolled out without further testing and in addition there are literally a hundred things from broken weapons (like the bow) to zombies still being able to hit you when they are outside a building etc. These issues need to be addressed and resolved before you try changing a CRITICAL part of the game. We still have people dying from falling off ladders and shit and its ridiculous frankly.

"do us all a favor and explicitly call that guy a moron" LOL, loved that.

Agreed, I saw the player stat drops, I saw multiple clans closing servers etc. This was a massive fuckup and Bohemia's lack of updates and refusal to acknowledge cost the company thousands of dollars and many players.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

You can't escape.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

I have played both since the roll back. Pers off appears to still be fucked.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

Yea the rollback doesn't seem to have resolved the issue. What a mess.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

The game is NOT playable on non-persistent servers. There is little to NO loot.
The game is playable on persistent enabled servers but it's not a challenge because too much shit is spawning.

Even Eugene admitted this. The old loot system has been rolled back FINALLY.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

"Hello Brian84 and thank you for the report.
The cause of this issue appears to be on GSP's (Game Server Provider) side. Currently persistence is forced to be ON all the time, however some of the servers from certain GSP's have persistence set off. This interferes with the forced persistence and causes what you describe in your report.

Telling us it's an issue with the server is not going to cut it. You have HUNDREDS of people dying from starvation and thirst from this crap. The messages boards are all talking about it. This economy roll out should have NEVER been rolled out in this state. I understand it's an Alpha and I have been ok with all the problems but fucking up the loot economy is ridiculous, its the core of the game. FIX THIS.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T109665: Loot respawning isn`t working items are getting extremly rare.

Loot is completely broken.

May 11 2016, 4:53 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T108807: Requesting ability to use a spary.

People abusing the spray system can be dealt with. We shouldn't all suffer because people are concerned about inappropriate sprays.

May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T108807: Requesting ability to use a spary.

I'm curious why this was down voted so much?

May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
vendetta set Category to category:controls on T108807: Requesting ability to use a spary.
May 11 2016, 4:23 AM · DayZ
vendetta added a comment to T107236: Dayz Rain.

For the love of Christ, bring back the RAIN!

May 11 2016, 3:29 AM · DayZ