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- User Since
- Dec 7 2016, 5:06 PM (430 w, 5 d)
Nov 19 2021
I just logged back into dayz and experienced the same behavior that user moeb1us described.
Dec 6 2019
Dec 5 2019
I also had problems with this last night. Lots of incidents of other players not able to see/manipulate something I dropped on the ground, items not going back into containers that I had just taken out to use (sewing kits, etc.) I was passing a mag to another, and they could not see it on the ground, so I had them drop their pack and place it inside, and they still could not see it until re-log.
Aug 12 2019
@Geez can you hide this one too please
Jun 27 2019
I too had this problem last night. Deleted configs, checked file verification. It was on a queued server. Previously I got this every time I did a verify but after a successful connect it would rectify after joining again. Tried multiple times last night and had the overlay issue on each one.
May 26 2019
You must slice before eating/cooking.
Apr 5 2019
Also I like the clicks as the lock is manipulated, at least. I had to listen to a lot of them as I bruteforced my base open.
as above, combo was reset to random number, could not remove lock from gate post after opening, yet gate could be opened. After re-logging, able to pick up and manipulate lock but not able to attach it to gate.
Feb 1 2019
I'm sure the check's in the mail
Jan 8 2019
Now, when I start up DayZ, the TrackIR's 'compatible game' LED (blue one on the bottom) comes on! I noticed this a few weeks ago, and I cant wait to be able to bind +look to it. Even though TrackIR has been disabled for so long I still find myself turning my head to look!
Sep 14 2018
note: Experimental branch of 9/12
note: Experimental branch of 9/12
note: Experimental branch of 9/12
note: Experimental branch of 9/12
Sep 13 2018
Jun 21 2017
Glad I wasnt the only one!