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- User Since
- Apr 2 2014, 9:13 AM (572 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
PSA: Do not touch trucks in general. Get in and out at a distance.
Can confirm. Always off at a random multiple of 90 degrees
May 10 2016
You are unable to skin and quarter a cow with any item
Yeah this problem effects both of my friends but oddly not me. The only difference between them and I is that they have rebound a lot of their keys.
The sound effect of walking on different surfaces is inconsistent. Playing the game in an urban setting for approximately 10 minutes will confirm it.
This is a bugtracker not a suggestion forum. Not an issue.
I can also report this, a zombie gave my perfectly healthy friend a hay maker that he didn't live long enough to never forget.
Dropping items under any bush causes this.
I found several theres no issue, its just rare.
Updated to current version.
@Accolyte Problem is still present
@Striker235 I've tried literally everything. I wish a dev would acknowledge the issue as I've seen it affecting more than the amount of people that have voted up this ticket. e.g. YouTube videos.
I can confirm that flushing does not work as a remedy =(
Would everyone mind posting what type of server you were playing on when this happened? Hardcore or regular?
Bug still persists in 0.44 and 0.45 (as of 4/28)
Not an issue, see other comments
Keep in mind that in a combat environment your caloric and hydration requirements sky rocket