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- Feb 27 2015, 11:05 PM (523 w, 3 d)
May 11 2016
Dayz could use a little more danger in the game. Right now the only thing I'm worried about is other players and glitches. Other player interaction is a bit meh because of sound, fps, cheaters and people trying to make it counterstrike. Of course the work that is being done will eventually make that better.
I really like the dynamics around infected joining the fray when they hear you... when there are more of them around, it will make battles in cities a lot more interesting, because you can't just roll into a town with your stash of mp5s in a tent somewhere and 'get rekt' everyone in town while your buddy snipes from the trees, without worrying that your shots are going to summon some hell down on your smirking little face.
If having wolves in the game makes it so nature has more power in the game, then I'm all for it. Especially when bikes are added and I can have a pack of them chase me down the road while I bike as fast as I can away from them as they nip at my tires until I toss a slab of human flesh that I cut off of some bandit who tried to gank me, behind me and they go for that instead, so I can circle around, drop my bike, and pull out my gun and pick those rabid, flea-infested curs off, one by yelping one.
Nope, it had QC in the name
you said "With Texas 2-8", I thought you meant the server name was Texas 2-8, but now I have no idea what you mean.
I was able to refuel the sedan. There is a small gas door on the back left side (driver's side, I think). You have to interact with it there. Filled up the sedan with gas can as well as water bottle.
I had a problem with the sedan acting weird, but was able to take a tire off, and then put it back on and things worked again (the tire looked a little flat, but was pristine)
I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that military tents have slots that you are unable to scroll to?
Yeah this issue should be marked as resolved
Found some loot last night on a heli crash site, so I think this isn't an issue anymore
I found two russian heli crash sites and there was no loot in them. However, while walking away from one of them, I saw some boots in the grass... and then there was all the loot! It was like it exploded out the front window when the helicopter crashed and went flying away from the site.
The other crash site I found was on a different server, so I logged back into that one and went searching around the perimeter of the crash site, and there was the loot!
I didn't take note if these were persistent servers or not.
Since 0.54 updated, I've found three heli crash sites, one russian. All were empty, but I thought that was because they had already been looted. When I noticed that they were empty, I got out of there because I thought that if they were looted, then there is a chance someone is watching me nearby. I didn't realize that maybe they hadn't been looted at all, and instead were just empty!
Duplicate of 0022040
I have been filling up canteens and PET bottles from wells and ponds, and only drink from those bottles, and have not noticed this. However, my character exists from before 0.54 was deployed, so maybe that is related
same here, same as issue 22140
Just happened again DayZ GA 3-144 - Hosted by - Persistance Enabled - found a military tent, had filled it up with all kinds of goods, AKM with scope, bullets, etc. when the server reset, it and all its contents were gone.
same here
duplicate issues: 22140, 22148, 22042
its not just tents that disappear... its anything you put on a persistent server is lost on reset.
I think a bicycle as a vehicle would be amazing. I would imagine the following:
. it would be a little bit faster than sprinting, but would take much less energy
. would be difficult to ride off road (if not impossible, maybe you would be forced to stay on the roads with a bike? I guess if its a mountain bike you could go offroad, but maybe a regular bike would not?)
. you should be able to be hit by zeds, mele, guns etc. while riding the bike
. they would need repairs if the tires are flat, chain breaks, etc.
May 10 2016
Legs broken, had two bandage rolls that were 75%, and a stick, but could only make a fireplace, not a splint. It seems silly that it would take 100% of a bandage roll to make a splint, but only one rag to do so. Also, why can't I combine bandage rolls to fix this problem?
I was unable to crawl into houses to find a shirt to tear into rags, that seems not very realistic!
I think this is a great idea, and came here to request it as well. Although you have highlighted the dog as a companion concept well, I think there could be some interesting elements with wild dog packs too. For example, I would love to see a pack of wild dogs roam into town, making a huge ruckus, and chasing down and mauling, then eating any zombie or player they find.
I like the idea of a dog as a companion too, but I think that they should also be able to be unafraid of zombies too, so you can sick them on them if you want to (maybe to help distract them so they will stay away from you). Perhaps these modes could be toggled by a command you give to the dog.