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- User Since
- Sep 17 2014, 5:14 PM (549 w, 1 d)
Apr 19 2018
So, what you guys can try; the tool DIView ( or just google it) allows to view all axes of all game controllers and change saturation, deadzone and min/centre/max values for each axes of each device individually. It automatically saves those changed values in the windows registry for each device, thus you don't need to start or run DIView or a service each time you want to play.
Apr 13 2018
had or still have? I Target allows you to set up a new script were you can disable this false positiv input for the rudder pedal axis in the TWCS. But thats just a work around and does not really solve the issue. I would have to keep it running at all times and remap hundreds of keybindings over various games and individual vehicles etc. And no idea what folks with Saited or different hardware are supposed to do!
I have been struggling with this issue for the longest time and my workaround has been to disable all analog controllers (TM t.16000m, TWCS throttle and Warthog joystick). Should have know that its not just me but a problem for literally everyone with controllers. So, devs, come on. This game aspires to be geared towards the simulation crowd, this issue is annoying as hell for us. Before that patch breaking this, arma 3 probably added analog inputs only when these were actively moved. Now, it seems its constantly reading axis inputs from all analog controllers plugged in. Could you not enable an input change threshold below which an axis is not mapped? Jets dlc, the new Tanks dlc, all have increased vehicle fidelity geared towards controller inputs, but this remapping issue is really off putting.
May 5 2017
@dazhbog As you may be aware, there are a couple of tickets with this very same issue here on the feedback tracker and some threads on the official forums. Another ticket with a good demonstration and suggestions as to the nature of the problem can be found in this ticket:
May 4 2017
This behaviour is being mourned about since the beta phase back in 2013. I reckon this is deeply ingrained in the current Arma 3 renderer and cannot be fixed without moving over to another one (i.e. new dayz renderer). I have wasted a good deal of hours of my life trying to find a suitable fix for this....only compromises thus far. Since i cannot get the amd drivers to override arma 3's AA and disabling either FSAA or shadows is both not a satisfactory option.
Nov 4 2016
any news on this? Still happens with latest amd drivers as well. It really depends on the angle you are looking at something with sun shine on it. Disabling either fxaa or shadows completely solves the problem....but thats kinda no solution really. This issue has been aroudn since the alpha in 2013 apparently and it really degrades visual quality.
May 10 2016
any news concerning my issue? Did you relay the logs to Valve, did they make any statemet as to what might be the problem?
I would just like to know whether Valve is already aware of the issue. If not, i contact them myself. Please advise on how to proceed. Thx.
Logs are uploaded.
I finally could log in with my brothers steam account and the arma 3 mods he has subscribed on the workshop were downloaded and properly copied over by the launcher to my arma 3 root folder.
So something must be wrong with my steam account then.
i have compiled a new set of logs with the log_ipc 1 command as you advised.
I have noticed one thing in the workshop_log.txt. I still seem to be subscribed to 3 mods that have been deleted from the workshop:
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : added subscribed item 321739298
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : added subscribed item 241867902
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : added subscribed item 246184547
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : added subscribed item 561566896
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 561566896
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Starting Workshop download job
[2015-12-07 11:55:22] [AppID 107410] Get details for item 241867902 failed : Access Denied
[2015-12-07 11:55:23] [AppID 107410] Get details for item 246184547 failed : Access Denied
[2015-12-07 11:55:23] [AppID 107410] Get details for item 321739298 failed : Access Denied
[2015-12-07 11:55:57] [AppID 107410] Finished Workshop download job : No Error
[2015-12-07 11:55:57] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : removing unknown item 246184547
[2015-12-07 11:55:57] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : removing unknown item 241867902
[2015-12-07 11:55:57] [AppID 107410] Detected workshop change : removing unknown item 321739298
I have tried to find out which 3 mods are the culprits, but when i look for them in my browser with the app id, e.g 241867902, 246184547, 321739298, i come across the error message stating the mod/item has been deleted from the workshop. There is no way for me to find out what the real name of that item has been before it was deleted from the workshop.
For instance:
I don't know whether this pertains to my problem at all, but its weird i think.
And yes, you may send these logs to Valve. And thx again for the help.
i have uploaded the steam logs as requested. I will let u know when i have tested my brothers steam account. Thx for your hard work, it is really appreciated. Its almost impossible to know what to look for in those logs myself.
Hey there,
I have tested the issue on a second PC with the same strange behaviour happening. It really seems to be an issue with my steam account and not any specific arma 3/windows installation.
I will lock in with my brothers steam account later today and see whether his account handles things properly.
Right mate,
i have set all 4 lines to "ALL" in the logger as you described, and started the launcher a couple of times. New logs are uploaded. Sorry to make you go through them all.
I want to add that scenario subscriptions work as intended. Is there a difference in the way steam and the arma 3 launcher handle mods and scenarios?
In the "arma3launcher.rpt" log there is the following line:
"SteamAppsWrap [SteamLayerWrap.SteamAppsWrap.GetCurrentBetaName:0] Cannot retrieve current steam branch name"
Does this relate to my issue?
I hope these new logs reveal something new.
Thx for your reply. Problem still persists, even after a full unistall of arma 3 and the steam client itself. I have uninstalled both and wiped any leftover folders of steam, arma 3 and bohemia (in appdata for instance) and did a fresh install of the steam client on my ssd and arma 3 itself. Again all workshops mods were downloaded to the ....steamapps\workshop\content\107410 folder. But as before, the mods are not being copied over to the arma 3 root folder, hence the launcher can't see them there.
I am totally bewildered how this issue can still persist, ever after such drastic measures. To make absolutely sure, i did as advised in the other ticket you mentioned and switched to steam client beta and back again, and to arma 3 dev branch and back to normal version (both after i did the reinstalling).
Sidenote: The workshop works fine with Skyrim for instance. If i subscribe to a mod from the Skyrim Workshop, it copies the mod over to skyrim data folder when i launch the game. So its really somehow arma 3 related.
I attach the new launcher logs from my new installation. Any help is much appreciated.
....''Adam: The controls that appear in Profile files and not in official controls menu (The one in game) are not officially supported. That said the switching weapons using keys is one of the systems we are currently working on and planning on releaseing with the EDEN Update.''....
I second that. That this was not included in the release version in the first place was bad enough. Please add configurable keybinds for weapons in vehicles to the control settings. And letting us know when this will happen would be greatly appreciated. Thx.
hey, no problem. I guess i am lucky that i spent only about 3 hours on this problem and not close to a month as some of you! I probably would have noticed it right away...but since i installed sweet fx yesterday night und a couple of mods this afternoon and then tried to run the launcher again, i thought it was mod related. But then i remembered that sweet fx acts as an overlay filter. And it is known to not work well with other overlays or similar things. Fraps, for instance, often fails to work together with sweet fx. In BF3, fraps kills the filter. In Watch dogs, the game won't load when fraps is running, although you can load it successfully when the game is loaded already. So my guess would be...theres not really a chance to make sweet fx and the arma launcher work together. Unless BI solves that issue coding wise. I dont really need the launcher. Get yourselves a thirdparty mod-organizer or something. Saves a lot of hussle for everyone. I think we all wasted to much time on this one already.
So long...i hope this fixes the launcher problem for the rest as well.
Good night.
Hey Guys,
i had the same problem with the launcher. With me it was the sweet fx overlay, that i installed last night, that made the arma 3 launcher invisible. Once i disabled it, the launcher was working fine again. Maybe you habe got something similar going on.
Best of luck though...
May i suggest one little addition. A lot of mission authors seem to forget to add a completion marker in their mission designs. Even if one successfully finishes a mission, the arma 3 scenario list displays them without the green completention marker/tick.
With a lot of missions sucscribed on the steam workshop, it gets increasingly hard to keep track of what i already played and finished.
Could you please add the option to mark missions as played and finished by hand in the scenario list so we don't have to rely solely on mission authors to add the required scripts/functionality?