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- User Since
- Mar 15 2013, 9:35 AM (625 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T72429: Can't use attachTo on triggers anymore.
sapiensl added a comment to T72429: Can't use attachTo on triggers anymore.
I'm sorry, I updated the description. Yea I got confused with triggers and markers but the problem still exists for me... I'll try again when im at home again.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T68313: Marid tank shadow doesn't change on tires being shot.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T68312: Marshall tank is floating.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T64051: UI or Scope not centered correctly.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63967: Trashbags not lit properly.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63964: Thank you Bohemia Interactive! VOTE UP PLEASE! show Bohemia Interactive our support and give them a smile!.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63896: AI often throws two (or even more) grenades in a row.
sapiensl added a comment to T63869: Thrown grenades clearly still have pin and spoon attached..
One second after pressing f12, he blew up :D
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63849: Clouds change as you turn your view.
sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce on T63672: You cannot shoot through glass unless it is broken.
sapiensl added a comment to T62875: Buildings with new shadows (dev build 3) cause poor performance.
cant confirm, it was weak with me until todays patch (19.03), but now its fine again...
sapiensl added a comment to T62805: Clouds don't seem to cast shadows as they drift over the landscape..
have an upvote, it would be such an amazing feature
May 9 2016
May 9 2016
sapiensl added a comment to T61012: Overcast weather does not affect underwater lighting..
would be an awesome thing to fix! rainy underwater mission :D awesome!
sapiensl added a comment to T59399: Shooting down helicopter on SCUBA mission only makes the helicopter fall into the sea..
well a helicopter doesnt always explode on a rpg hit...
sapiensl added a comment to T59399: Shooting down helicopter on SCUBA mission only makes the helicopter fall into the sea..
im sorry, didnt read it to the end until now... have an upvote so :)
sapiensl added a comment to T58934: Clouds visibility morph and change while moving camera.