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Can't use attachTo on triggers anymore
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In Arma 3 Alpha i made a few missions which moved triggers using the attachTo command, now this makes all the triggers disappear (They are neither where they should attach to, nor on their spawning position).


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  • Open up Editor
  • Place an object "a" and a trigger "b"
  • In the initialisation line of "a" write "b attachTo[a,[0,0,0]];"
  • Try it out, it won't work :(
Additional Information

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Event Timeline

sapiensl edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 6 2013, 10:21 AM
sapiensl edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
sapiensl set Category to Editor.
sapiensl set Reproducibility to Always.
sapiensl set Severity to None.
sapiensl set Resolution to Open.
sapiensl set Legacy ID to 1140745956.May 7 2016, 4:33 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: AD2001.Sep 6 2013, 10:21 AM
F2kSel added a subscriber: F2kSel.May 7 2016, 4:33 PM

attaching triggers to objects is working correctly for me.

If you still have the problem you should upload a mission for testing.

The title says trigger but your description and code refers to markers.

Markers can only be moved not attached.

I'm sorry, I updated the description. Yea I got confused with triggers and markers but the problem still exists for me... I'll try again when im at home again.