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- Jan 2 2015, 12:34 AM (533 w, 2 d)
May 11 2016
yeah i agree
I am wondering is this doing right?
I have the same thing.
This is so true. Yesterday I went to airfield and military base, they were both full empty on a few servers. Finding food is almost impossible, but PET bottles everywhere. Also you can find assault and high capacity vests from random ordinary houses. Police stations are full of MP5 mags and police uniforms. Loot is spawning to places where they should not spawn. It would be nice if there was some logic at where them items spawn.
Still works.
I'm not sure if is this is in wrong category?
No, I'm not stuck anymore but I just told this because this happens quite often. But good if it's already under fixing. And I was on a 1st/3rd person server.
It can happen on any server. Example if you change server or just relog to the same server, this may happen randomly.
Yes, this glitch is possible, not just like in the video. There's a sign near the prison, by going prone and doing something it goes through and you're inside. It's hard to explain, I can try if I could record a video about it.
Ok. For me it happens almost all the time when doing something with a fire.
Feels like no one isn't interested what's happening on these forums.
So, I uploaded a couple of pictures there. That upper one is the thing I think isn't correct. I think that's a bug or it's very badly made. That lower picture is like I think it's supposed to work. Both pictures are taken from the same point. Tell me guys what you think?
Yes I know your point, but still in real life you can see a little bit, it doesn't darken all black. You guys have your own opinions but I think that in game we should see even a little bit.
Okay. But I think it shouldn't dark it to black. It's ok that it darks but why all the way black? Not good like that is my opinion.
I died, this is not needed anymore.