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Feb 11 2014, 8:20 PM (576 w, 6 d)

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May 11 2016

porthos3 added a comment to T107361: Game Crashes Immediately On Start Up ("DayZ has stopped working...").

I completely reinstalled my graphics drivers and this fixed the problem.

This issue was not a DayZ bug as I had believed it to be.

May 11 2016, 3:34 AM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T107361: Game Crashes Immediately On Start Up ("DayZ has stopped working...").

I just verified that the game is running on the NVIDIA graphics card, as it is supposed to.

I also just updated to the latest Stable version. After the update, I ran the game and got the following error prompt:

"The instruction at 0x00d1b2e2 referenced memory at 0x00000000. The memory could not be read."

Any further attempts to run the game reproduce the same white screen crash I described in the original report.

May 11 2016, 3:34 AM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T107361: Game Crashes Immediately On Start Up ("DayZ has stopped working...").

Andy, I have added the crash reports. I am on a controlled network right now (cannot update DayZ in order to try playing it), but I will look more into the graphics drivers later today. I do believe I had already checked that they were up to date though.

Jaoov, I did attempt to use -winxp, but I have also gotten the same crash without that flag.

May 11 2016, 3:34 AM · DayZ
porthos3 edited Steps To Reproduce on T107361: Game Crashes Immediately On Start Up ("DayZ has stopped working...").
May 11 2016, 3:33 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

porthos3 added a comment to T95309: When switching between primary weapons (in hands and holstered) with number hotkeys, weapon in hands drops on ground.

Duplicate of 8884 (was submitted twice)

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95298: No can opener spawns in "civilian" areas.

I think this may be because of bug Loot in general is very hard to find in houses - it may be that can openers DO spawn, but since they are relatively rare, and you can't see most of the loot in houses, we simply don't run across them.

I know I have found ONE can opener in a civilian building. But only the one.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95287: Weapon duping.

I have experienced this behavior in the latest version.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95287: Weapon duping.

Also, the second time I relogged with the same two guns (one in hand), the gun in hand disappeared. This might not reproduce 100% of the time.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95287: Weapon duping.

I noticed this the other day too.

I can verify:

  • You can hold two rifles as described
  • When you log off while holding a second rifle, you keep it when you log back in

I have not personally looked for a dropped item, so I cannot verify that a duped item is dropped.

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95281: Ruined Items Probability from Player/Environment Interaction is Unrealistic.

I have seen this behavior as well. Body shots ruin MOST of the targets gear. I don't know if head shots do the same or not. Also, fall damage to gear may be a little too high as well. A short fall and the gear in my pants can become dramatically damaged or ruined.

I'm totally fine with falls damaging gear, but it's unbalanced right now considering you can take damage from what appears to be a 2 foot fall, the gear takes too much damage considering the distance fell, and the player already suffers health consequences for any remotely serious fall (broken legs).

May 10 2016, 8:25 PM · DayZ
porthos3 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95268: 1st/3rd person setting doesn't save.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T95267: Drinking soda from ground places blank soda icon on hot bar.

@DarkOrion11 I had noticed that too! But I hadn't realized it was the same issue. I was going to file a second report when I had more information on it. I find that issue can be worked around by dropping the bag on the floor and picking it up again.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
porthos3 edited Steps To Reproduce on T95267: Drinking soda from ground places blank soda icon on hot bar.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T94795: Broken legs on stairs..

This happened to me while climbing the top set of stairs to the observation tower at Balota airfield. I was also wearing TKO pants (don't think it should matter though).

The game allowed me to sprint up the first half of that stair (instead of the usual slow walk). My character fell while sprinting. Was sprinting/attempted sprinting an issue for anyone else with this bug?

May 10 2016, 8:08 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T93875: Loot from military tents is missing..

Possibly related to report 8100: No loot is appearing in tents, certain houses, or around vehicles.

Also maybe related to 8809: "Missing" loot in houses is sometimes unreachable below the floor - could this be the case for tents or vehicles?

May 10 2016, 7:33 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T93867: Inventory rearranges every login.

Every time my inventory starts to get full, I try to organize it so I can tell what to keep or what to drop. It's a pain having it rearrange itself with each login, because I don't have things I need within easy reach (top of backpack) and I have to search for less important items to drop each time I want to pick up a new item.

May 10 2016, 7:33 PM · DayZ
porthos3 added a comment to T91589: unreachable Loot in Barracks.

I've also noticed that items atop the lockers in the barracks rooms are occasionally unreachable (particularly helmets). And VERY rarely items on the first bunk (I just ran into a pair of pants I couldn't grab).

May 10 2016, 6:11 PM · DayZ