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- User Since
- May 23 2013, 3:48 PM (618 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
@TakeHomeTheCup That would be the kind of reply I would be expecting, not "I don't have to explain anything to you!".
Don't get mad at me because you got caught with your pants down yet again.
Yeah.... I don't think so...
I have screen shots from the Beta buy-in when a Hacker took over every server with a very clever hack that infected the client, and when the client would join the next server he would bring the hack with him. The hack involved a message across the client screen stating he would continue to hold the game hostage until you fixed something..
Your attitude sums up what I think of your company. We are your paying consumers and you saying "we know about it for some time" says "we knew about it but yet again didn't think enough of it to do anything about it until it became a problem, and it just did, whoops!"
@Dwarden That isn't the statement that was "of note" - the "we know about it for some time" is. Hacking In Arma 2, as well as the whole beta test hack fiasco makes statements like this seem that developers are not on top of exploits and cheaters. I think a statement like that needs a bit of explaining.
@Gav, I read it as "Gay" at first as well..
Be great to get this addressed...
First issue seems to be resolved with "-maxmem=2047"
- server still has crash issues on #missions command
place a standard rifleman on the map
in the ini of the unit it's self
this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"uniform\loadout.jpg"];
(see attached file)
preview the mission - note the uniform has changed.
go back to the editor - edit the uniform anyway you please
preview the mission again - note the edits to the uniform do not load, it's still in memory from the old preview.
this was frustrating when doing a custom uniform - having to constantly re-name the file, good on you sir for bringing it up.
not that I've found, no
I'll set up another test just to be double sure
Do you have any more info on this ? this was the most on topic post related to what your saying.
they also pointed to:
_pilot allowFleeing 0;
TBH: The original point stands, this shouldn't be default behavior as a trained pilot isn't going to flee on sight of enemy AI....
Removing HALO jumping from the mission seems to have increased the stability of the server. This crash would appear within 1 hour when Users would consistently use parachutes, with HALO jumping removed, and parachutes not being used, this crash is not present.
Prior to this crash I lost left channel sound - 30 seconds after loosing sound in that channel , the server and everyone attached crashed.
PS- no one plays the official coop missions.....
I would imagine you might not want to take off in that little bird with a 75+ mile an hour cross wind... I'm not a pilot, but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night...
Q. Can helicopters be used in hurricane research?
A. It is most unlikely that anyone would attempt to fly a helicopter into a hurricane. Such aircraft are not built to withstand the severe turbulence encountered in hurricane rainbands and eye walls. One reason is that a helicopter receives all of its lift from its rotating blades, and they are most likely to break off in hurricane conditions. Survival of the aircraft and crew would then be impossible.
While commercial type aircraft have been used in the past to penetrate hurricanes, NOAA and the US Air Force Reserves use sturdier P-3s and C-130s for their research and reconnaissance missions. Both aircraft are safe and reliable and take the punishment that hurricanes up through Category 5 can dish out.
The map editor it's self has these settings, you can choose the start weather, the ending result weather, and how long it will take to reach the ending result. It's neat and does function well, my issue is not with its function, but rather the extreme I can go with it. I can make it rainy, foggy, sorta windy, but none of it is really changing any of how you play, just aesthetically pleasing.
Certainly make use of those rudders!
I hope so - I really really really would like to see the ability to make things just flat out nasty, weather wise.
rogerx: lol
Brimi: Appreciate it, thanks guys!
Tell that to the Korean war
Yeah, exactly - if you tie lightning into thunder you can generally predict the thunder strike and hide your rifle's report. Using weather to both cover your movements, limit the ability of the enemy to re-enforce as quickly with light aircraft and the generally loud noises of hurricanes you can effectively hide your forces.
The possibilities are really endless of what you can mix into severe weather.
Stormy seas are kind of already in - the large swells are generally there.
I guess the primary goal would be severely disabling weather effects both in and out of vehicles/helicopters, heavy winds blowing light aircraft around, large reduction in visibility on the ground (and in the air), punishing winds while on the ground effecting both the stance, and walking ability (pushing/pulling the unit).